My Second Letter to the American People

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

In 2016, I wrote my first “Letter to the American People.” I warned every eligible voter about the dangerous and likely disastrous possibility of Donald Trump becoming our 45th president. 

Most Americans paid attention. He lost to Hillary Clinton in the popular vote by three million. However, interference by Russian agents, following orders from Vladimir Putin, he received the Electoral College vote and became our country’s first illegitimate president. 


Donald John Trump is a man without morals or principles. His life’s story is built on lies and misconceptions. Much of the damage for which he is responsible between 2017 and 2021 is irreparable. He must not be given four more years to complete his orders to destroy the nation of our Founding Fathers. 

Thursday’s decision by a jury of his peers in a federal court revealed to everyone the extent of his debauchery, lack of a moral compass, and his absence of concern for anyone but himself, including his wife and newborn son. Trump is not “presidential.” 


The government of the United States is corrupt and incompetent. On Friday, the day after Trump was convicted on all 34 counts in his “hush money” trial, the legitimacy of our country’s federal government became nothing but a memory. 

Right-wing extremists in the House and Senate claimed that the trial was purely “political,” and an affront to our nation’s legal system. If this was not an extreme lie; an effort to cover-up Trump’s crimes against the American people; it would be hilarious. Trump’s minions continue to display extreme levels of cowardice and hypocrisy. Not one man or woman calling themselves “Republican” is willing to say or do the right thing for their country. 

The beginning of the end of our federal government began during Trump’s illegitimate presidency. However, in 2023 right-wing extremists gained control of the House. Democrats remained in control of the Senate. Both houses of our legislature were held by the slimmest of margins. 

In a normal year, Congress passes between 200-600 bills into law. With the fascist-leaning Freedom Caucus in control of the House, just 54 bills became law in 2023. Moscow Mitch McConnell created his “do nothing” congress in 2009, and it escalated over the next 14 years until Washington became dysfunctional.  


What is missing most in our government is one word: truth. Right-wing professional politicians have become professional liars, paid for by taxpayer dollars. They fear the truth, and this is the primary reason why they are whining about Trump’s 34 convictions.  

After surrendering their integrity, and self-respect, they continue to lie about everything Trump-related. They brag about the economy under Trump, although history reveals that his failure to lead in the fight against a pandemic nearly placed America in a second great depression. When the orange buffoon told his supporters that our economy would be a disaster under a Biden presidency, his paid liars bowed to their Fuhrer. However, the economy is the best it has been since 1999 with Mr. Biden as our President. From the stock market to wages and very low unemployment, all Americans are far better with a Democratic President than any Republican in the last 43 years. 


When those in the public eye lie, the mood is always dark and dismal. However, for those of us who revel in the truth, we react with joy, and even laughter. This was the overall mood of our country on May 30, 2024. This became a day of hope for all Americans who believe int the rule of law. 

If you want to share in these feelings of happiness and hope, vote intelligently on November 5, 2.024. We can make America respectable again. The once Grand Old Party is extinct. We must remove these fake Republicans from our government forever. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

Please tell everyone about my blog: “TheWiseOldFart,” because the truth lives here 

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