I Could Never Vote for Anyone who is not as Intelligent as I am, or who Knows Less About Governing than I do


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

No one would ever accuse me of being a genius. I always had great grades in school, passed every test in the jobs I applied for easily, but I have known many people whose mental abilities are far superior to my own. I simply worked harder than most.

Of all the presidents I voted for, beginning in 1968, there were only two I considered brilliant and impressed me with most of their decisions, their ability to speak to me honestly and eloquently, and displayed common sense most of the time.


One was the man who, although he was far from perfect, saved our nation’s economy from two former, destructive Republicans: William Jefferson Clinton.

He entered office in 1993. When he left the White House in 2001, he had erased the huge national debt created by his Republican predecessors, and the national treasury had a surplus.


In 2009, President Barack Hussein Obama began the process of preventing a second depression. George W. Bush inherited the most successful economy in modern times. However, when he left in 2009, America was in the Great Recession. America was engaged in two illegal and costly wars, and the economy was in shambles. His policy of “trickle-down economics” was not only a failure, it was a disaster. He left Washington with a huge national debt, and the worst economy since 1929.

President Obama and his talented team worked hard the damage caused by Bush 43, and when he left office in 2017, our nation was in full recovery, with programs in place to make America the greatest economy in the free world.


In 2016, Donald Trump was gifted the presidency in a rigged election. He knows nothing about politics or governing a nation of more than 330 million people, and he doesn’t care. His economic policy was a disaster: the same failed fiscal policy every Republican used since Ronald Reagan.

He bragged about the economy although every success was put in place by his predecessor. When Trump was needed, he failed miserably. He ignored the life-threatening coronavirus which became an enormous threat to our nation’s people. The result was a near depression, and the loss of more than one-million American lives.

Another Democrat, Joe Biden, rescued our nation again. Today, America’s economy is the strongest it has been since 1999.


Trump is mentally deficient. His disease is called “malignant narcissism,” and for the obese old man who is nearly 80 years old, it is incurable. The orange buffoon needs constant attention and praise. Nothing of importance means anything to him.

Trump and I are exactly three weeks apart in age. I know that I am far more intelligent and aware of what happens in our nation. I could have done a far better job between 2017 and 2021 because I am a working man, not a wannabe billionaire. I do not golf, spend most of my time with millionaires and billionaires, or holding hate rallies to soothe my huge ego. I find FOX News repulsive, and never tweet my beliefs.

Trump was not only an incompetent and uncaring illegitimate president, he is a failure as a member of the human race.

Only a real American who loves all of our nation’s people should be our president.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Please tell everyone about my blog: “TheWiseOldFart,” because the truth lives here

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