Trump’s “It Will Just Go Away” Policy Killed More than One Million Americans and His Party Continues That Policy

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


For America the Covid-19 debacle was a disaster created by our illegitimate president’s administration. Tens of thousands of American lives could have been saved if Trump and his failed cronies would have done anything to avert the dangers forecast by healthcare experts as the pandemic approached America. Instead, they followed Trump’s policy of doing nothing, lying to the American people claiming that “it will just go away.”

The Center for Disease Control issued a warning that Covid-19 could return and threaten additional lives. There is a booster available. Whether or not you decide to accept the warning, you must accept the concerns of the CDC as credible. However, “Republican” leaders are encouraging a renewal of Trump’s disastrous policies in 2020.

The Governor of Florida is suggesting a boycott of the booster, and a refusal to wear masks if the CDC recommends them.

Ron DeSantis and his wife appear to be kicking off new anti-mask efforts this week, with the Florida governor tweeting, "They want to muzzle your children. Those mandates are DOA in the state of Florida because we've enacted protections for parents and children." (Is this what people mean when they say, “people go to Florida to die?”) His spouse followed up with the obligatory, "No one is fighting harder for children than this guy. He hasn't backed down an inch in Florida, and he won't in the White House. Keep your muzzles off of my kids."

Florida’s Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo supports DeSantis. (Another physician who received his license from a cereal box.)

"There’s a new vaccine that’s coming around the corner, a new mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, and there’s essentially no evidence for it,"

“There’s been no clinical trial done in human beings showing that it benefits people.”

"There’s been no clinical trial showing that it is a safe product for people — and not only that but then there are a lot of red flags."

In terms of specific concerns, Ladapo warned that the updated vaccines "actually cause cardiac injury in many people."

This is more proof that our country is the most ignorant in the world by choice. Arrogance describes every man and woman in America who claims to be a Republican, and that’s a very bad and moronic situation. Stupidity kills.

“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”

― Isaac Asimov

The right-wing of our nation’s political structure would like you to ignore the fact that their leader, Donald “The Traitor” Trump is a murderer who is unfit to call himself an American. They want you to believe that the failed coup on January 6, 2021, which millions of our citizens watched on televisions was “just another protest. However, I refuse to believe that I am more intelligent than you, and you know that Trump will be remembered as our nation’s greatest enemy who committed treason while remaining in his position as a sitting president.

I know this is not a story which makes us feel good, but it had to be said. I would love to see our nation’s people return to what made us a good country. If we do not cherish our diversity, and embrace the cultures of others, there is no reason for our nation to exist. If millions of Americans continue to ignore science and the facts, we will remain disrespected throughout the world and our government will remain corrupt and dysfunctional.

Op-ed by James Turnage


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