When One Major Party is Loyal to a Russian Agent, and not to Their Country

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

I could easily blame the man confirmed as “the worst president in America’s history” by presidential historians for the irreparable damage to our country between 2017 and 2021. However, that would be ingenuous. The fact is without the support of the former Republican Party, Trump would be nothing but a nightmare and a memory which will never go away. 

In 2016, prior to the November 8 election, every Republican leader denounced the idea of a Trump presidency. Moscow Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Lindsey Graham, virtually every significant member of the GOP was a member of “the anybody but Trump club.” They were honest then, claiming that he was woefully unqualified to become our nation’s 45th president. They denounced his lack of morals, his disrespect for the traditions of our nation, and his refusal to act “presidential.” And let’s not pretend that they were unaware of his ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.  

However, on January 20, 2017, the former Party of Lincoln abandoned its dignity and all respect from the American people, and became a party of hypocrites. Today, 100 percent of the men and women who call themselves “Republicanhave no interest in the needs of the American people. The title of “American” means nothing to them. 


It happened today, June 6, 2024, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Democratic members of the state legislature invited members of the Capitol Police who defended our government against a band of traitors attempting to overthrow our government on January 6. This happened exactly three years and five months ago. 

In one of the most disgraceful acts ever committed by today’s fake Republicans, right-wing members of the legislature, whose loyalty is to Trump, booed the brave defenders of freedom and walked out of the building. 


On January 6, 2021, members of Congress called for help from our military. No one came. The Capitol Police were the only force between members of our government, and a murderous, hate-filled mob. One died on that day, and another later. This became the darkest day in American history, and will remain so for posterity.  

For any member of government at any level to disrespect these courageous soldiers of freedom is a black mark on our nation. 

Joanna McClinton, a Democrat from Philadelphia offered the perfect response. 

“The GOP members’ shameful behavior was unbecoming of our institution for any guest, let alone two of the men responsible for defending our democracy during a dark day in our nation’s history,” McClinton said. ”The Republicans’ disrespect, lack of patriotism and even common decency, epitomizes the poor behavior that so many in the MAGA movement have adopted.” 


I will not attempt any effort to downplay the idiocy and display of hatred for our country versus those who are loyal to the dream of our founding fathers. All, and I mean all of the men and women who call themselves “Republicans” have chosen to be the enemy of the American people. Through their actions and words, they have abandoned their oaths of office and choose to serve the super-rich and Trump’s mentor, Vladimir Putin. 

America is in big trouble. I fear for its future. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

Please tell everyone to follow my blog: “TheWiseOldFart,” because the truth lives here 

My novels are available on Amazon’s free Kindle app 


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