Have the American People Been Offered the Best “Republican” Possible Over the Last Eight Years?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

I remember 13 U.S. Presidents. I was born in 1946 and have no memory of Harry Truman. Therefore, I witnessed 19 elections. I may be naïve, but I naturally assumed that both parties attempted to offer the best candidates available from their side of the aisle.  

Of course, I know that this was far from the truth, but I never gave it much thought until it became evident that Trump and President Biden would win their party’s nominations again in 2024. 


In the last three elections, those calling themselves Republicans offered us the same, old, obese, dim witted, orange buffoon. If he is the best they have to offer, a failure in life, a sexual predator, the leader of America’s Neo-Nazi movement, and now a convicted felon, what does that say about the entire GOP? 

I am not being facetious. How is it possible that voters, regardless of how ignorant they may be, cursed our nation with the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, Moscow Mitch McConnell, Lauren Boebert, Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton, Matt Gaetz, and many other names you might have heard? 

The irrefutable truth is that not a single right-wing extremist is qualified to lead our nation. It’s as if the entire “Republican Party” sat together and said, “we don’t have anyone who is qualified, so why don’t we play a joke on the entire nation and give them Donald Trump.” I can just hear the laughter. 


The 2020 election was historic. No one will ever deny that the record turnout was not about the contestants. It was about ridding our nation or the worst illegitimate president in history. A “pretend” president who hated more than one-half of our nation’s people. 

President Biden has been a pleasant surprise for me and many others. His accomplishments are many, and America’s economy is the best it has been in 24 years.  

Over the last four years, Trump’s failures and lack of morals have been completely exposed. Not only have the American people learned that he is less qualified than we believed, he has no redeeming qualities which would allow anyone to consider giving him a second chance.  

Attempting to overthrow the government, stealing national secrets, charged with 91 felonies in four trials, etc., etc., would eliminate anyone running for public office at any level. However, the newly crowned “American Fascist Party,” formerly known as Republicans, committed itself to his plans for the destruction of America. They have no choice; it’s Trump and no one else. 

I leave you with one thought: only a patriotic American should be our nation’s president. By his own words and actions, Trump is not an American. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

Please tell everyone to follow my blog: “TheWiseOldFart,” because the truth lives here 

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