Teaching our Children About a Single Religion Will Destroy the Very Concept of the United States

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

Fact: Religious Extremism is responsible for the torture and deaths of more innocent people in history than any other.  

In its most extreme form, organized religion becomes the greatest evil imaginable. The Crusades and the attacks on 9/11 were both the result of religious extremism. 

Religion is a personal choice, and it should remain that way. For every argument favoring a single religion over another, there are a dozen reasons why all religions are based on unrealistic and unsupported claims about places like heaven or hell. All religions were created by men whose goals were control and power over others. In modern times, fake religious leaders use religion to live unrealistic lives of great power, luxury and privilege. Exposing young Americans to any religion by an individual with authority over them is morally and legally wrong. 


Don’t misunderstand me. I am expressing my own opinions, that’s why this is called an “op-ed” article. I will always protect and defend your right to practice the religion of your choice, as long as you protect my right to have none. 

Freedom of and from religion are one and the same. 


All teachings of religious beliefs must be restricted to your place of worship or your home. This country was founded on that single belief.  

Our Founding Fathers left England when King George III declared the Anglican Church was the one true religion of the British Empire. 


A few days ago, right-wing politicians in Louisiana, who are in fact fake Christians, passed a bill, which was signed by the governor, requiring the ten commandments of the Christian religion be posted in all public school classrooms. This effort was purely political. 

Oklahoma refused to be outdone by the freaks in Louisiana. Teachers in Oklahoma’s public schools are now required to teach from the Bible itself. No, I’m not kidding. Kiss the First Amendment good-bye. 

As I was growing up in the mid 20th century, my understanding of the Constitution was simple. All Americans are guaranteed the right of free thought and the right to act freely unless that action suppresses the rights of the majority. 

My maternal grandparents taught me that religion is a personal choice and is not to be discussed in public. 

Forgive me, but the extremist governments of Louisiana and Oklahoma are clearly violating my rights, and I strongly object.  

Please read the First Amendment and tell me I’m wrong. 

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 

I fail to believe that a Constitutional Scholar is required to analyze the first line of what our Founding Fathers considered the most important words in history. 


If the CRR did not own the Republican Party, these issues and others would not have become issues in our elections. Abortion, and same-sex marriage are personal matters which should never have become issues affecting our elections.  

There is no more perfect example of how religion can become an evil force. Separation of church and state is mandatory if the guarantees of the Constitution are to remain intact.  

Our personal lives only exist because of the protections guaranteed by the First Amendment. Everyone in America must not only protect those rights but also cherish them. This is what America means to me. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

Find my novels on Amazon 

Source: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/6/27/2249025/-Oklahoma-REQUIRES-All-Teachers-to-Teach-the-Bible?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web  


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