A Few Companies Who Care

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Consumer Cellular, Hartford Insurance; these are two major companies who actually care about the American people. These two companies appreciate seniors and offer great service at a fair price. However, most corporations take advantage of older Americans and make our final years more difficult.

My bride and I are seniors. We have our monthly social security checks as our sole income. Neither of us were ever employed in a business which offered a realistic retirement plan. Therefore, every dollar is crucial. Most of our creditors don’t care. NV Energy recently raised our gas and electric bill 37 percent, although our usage has been lower than in years past. In an act of pure “Greedflation,” corporate America has raised prices on everything. Our grocery bill is 12 percent higher than one year ago. Although we received an 8.5% increase in our monthly income last year, it was far below what we needed to compensate for our government’s failure to protect consumers. 

In a study of developed nations, the United States was rated as one of the lowest in quality of life. The reasons are many, including income inequality, a refusal to provide universal healthcare for all, the prohibitive cost of higher education for the majority, a continuing failure to establish a reasonable plan for immigration, ignoring women’s fight for equality, and ignoring our nation’s biggest problem, which began more than 400 years ago, racism.

With the advent of the Industrial Revolution in 1850 America changed its motto from E Pluribus Unum, “from many, one,” to Profit Before People. This is more evident today than ever before as corporations bought and paid for one entire political party. The last two Decennial Census results proved that adjusted for inflation the average American worker has not experienced an increase in wages or benefits for 30+ years.

If you think any one with enormous wealth or power cares about you: think again.

Op-ed by James Turnage

My nine novels are available on Amazon’s free Kindle app


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