Let’s Have One Final Look At the Failure of Our Government to Guarantee Free Healthcare for All

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


Every developed nation in the world offers 100 percent of their people free healthcare with the exception of the United States of America. This is an embarrassment for every politician who fallaciously claims that America is the greatest country in the world. Great countries place their people first. Our country places corporate profits ahead of 330 million men, women, and children. A report including 15 developed nations place the United States in 15th place when quality of life is the topic.

After the passage of “Obamacare” in March, 2010, the number of Americans without healthcare decreased. However, 27.2 million Americans remain uninsured. Not included in these statistics are millions of elderly men and women who have Medicare part A, but cannot afford Medicare part B. My wife and I are two of them.

The statistics vary by region. For example, in Massachusetts, the number of uninsured is 2.5 percent, while in Texas, the number is 18 percent. The rate of uninsured people is highest among Hispanic Americans. Most households without health insurance make under $25,000 per year. Affordability is cited as the most common reason (69.6%) for being uninsured in the US.

Politicians all claim two things: America is the richest country in the world, as well as the greatest. The sad truth is that these two statements are only factual if you are among the richest of Americans. Most working-class men and women struggle paycheck to paycheck, and a single catastrophe, such as a major healthcare situation, can result in homelessness for many American families.

Fact: healthcare in the United States is the most expensive in the world. Fact: no longer can our country claim to have the “best” healthcare in the world. These, too, only apply to the men and women who can afford the best doctors, doctors who are part of the wealthiest citizens in America.

 More frightening facts. The average age of all Americans is 38.2 years of age. The age group with the largest percentage of uninsured Americans is between 26 and 34. The second largest group is between 19 and 25, and third largest between 35-44.

Thanks to a desperate group of right-wing politicians, the biggest issues in 2024 are likely to be the economy, abortion, and the rights of the LGBTQ community. Based on this short article, and the facts contained, universal healthcare should be alone at the top. The number of Americans which have adequate healthcare is approximately 43 percent. Most Americans who are insured will be faced with enormous bills after a life-threatening medical emergency.

Our politicians are eager to increase the funding for our military every year, although watchdog groups report that 50 cents out of every dollar goes to waste. Republicans are eager to give huge tax breaks to corporations and the wealthiest five percent of Americans. If our nation had a fair, and much simpler tax system, and reasonable funding for the military, universal healthcare for all would be easily affordable.

Until all Americans are the priority of our government, there will never be a time when anyone can refer to America as a “great country.”

Op-ed by James Turnage

Source: https://finmasters.com/how-many-americans-have-no-health insurance/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw0IGnBhDUARIsAMwFDLmzDjVcWWHnLMUW_1q1tr8gD4tLBbNYtayZ6qx0qx15_8eHoTO3pQcaAnkyEALw_wcB

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