Republicans, Texas, Paxton, Corruption, Impeachment, Justice

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


What do these six words have in common? The first five are reminiscent of Trump’s two impeachments, and Moscow Mitch McConnell’s refusal to give him a fair trial. These same five words are proof that the rich and powerful are always above the law.

The sixth word is of no value because justice in America is non-existent if you are a Republican politician. Yesterday, Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, was acquitted on all charges of corruption by the Texas Senate. He remains under investigation by the FBI. Sound familiar? From Trump to Matt Gaetz dozens of Republican politicians continue to commit felonies and receive a free pass. Over the last six years our government has proven we are a nation without laws, and therefore a nation without justice.

Paxton’s supporters in the state senate are promising retribution for more moderate Republicans who brought the charges against Paxton. This is another example of how all Republicans act once elected. They are incapable of performing the jobs for which they were elected, and therefore spend 100 percent of their time playing politics and attempting to shred the First Amendment.

Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, was guilty of at least a dozen felonies. The charges were reduced to one, and he was allowed to resign without punishment. I believe that the Republican Party knew that former Speaker Dennis Hastert had sexually assaulted young men, but they hid the truth from the American people, and he was never punished. Donald Trump committed at least one Constitutional violation every day he was in office. That adds up to more than 1,500 crimes against the United States of America. He remains free and is running for president under the flag of the Republican Party, although he is a fascist, not an American. This is America in the 21st century.

Knowing Republican voter’s poor choices when they go to the polls, confirmed by legislators who are unfit for office and defined by Ted Cruz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and many others, I’m unsure if the country of our Founding Fathers is worth saving. All good things come to an end, and when a large percentage of a nation’s people choose to be uninformed and disinterested, maybe the end is inevitable and of less importance than I thought.

It is an irrefutable fact that the federal government of the United States is the most incompetent and corrupt in the free world. It this does not change immediately, and even if we want to save our nation, all hope is lost.

I am not normally a pessimist. However, I have attempted to inform the American people of the truth for the last ten years. Far too many of our country’s people appear to have the attitude of, “let someone else do it.” The truth is that only the voting public can force the necessary changes required to return our government to a functioning, deliberative body, which is willing to compromise on the vital issues and save the Nation.

Finally, I will be totally clear. Only the people can force the men and women we elect to always do the right thing for the American people. Your choice: vote wisely or kiss America good-bye.

Op-ed by James Turnage


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