Big Wins for Democrats on Tuesday

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


Republican’s fascist, anti-women policies are the reasons they suffered huge losses in Tuesday’s elections. Right-wing politicians oppose every issue favored by most of our nation’s people.

June 24, 2022 was one of the darkest days in American history. On this day six Republican-appointed justices overturned a 49-year-old decision by a legitimate Supreme Court known as Roe v Wade. This was a brazen attack on all women, removing protections for their decisions regarding unwanted pregnancies, or pregnancies resulting from rape or incest. These five men and one female religious extremist decided that women were third-class citizens without the right to decide the fate of their personal mental and physical health.

The next day I predicted Republican losses in future elections. Tuesday’s results were symbolic of how America will reject backward thinking Republicans and support forward thinking Independents and Democrats.

This was the leading paragraph in an NPR article this morning.

[In a handful of states with off-year elections, abortion access appeared to be a winning issue for the second general election in a row, even more than a year after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.]

Democrats crushed their right-wing rivals in Kentucky, Ohio, and Virginia. Multiple issues opposed by right-wing politicians passed easily.

Republicans are not only in mourning, to put it bluntly “they are scared to death.” If this is prophecy for 2024, Democrats will retain the presidency, the Senate, and retake the House. Governors in the darkest red states will face unexpected challenges. The larger the voter turnout, the slimmer the chances for Republican victories.

The most haunting victory was in the red state of Ohio. A measure on the ballot amending the state constitution returns the rights of women and their doctors to make decisions about abortions, at least until the fetus is visible in an ultrasound.

Voters are fighting back with the most powerful weapon they possess: their ballots. We must vote in every election and save the future of our forefather’s dreams. We must win this Civil War. Loss is both fatal and unacceptable.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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