The New and Lowest Standard for the Former Republican Party

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 


Although there has been one caucus in an inconsequential state, and one primary in an equally unimportant state, leaders in the former Republican Party have decided that Trump will be their only nominee in 2024. This may be the saddest statement in our nation’s 247-year history. Democracy is disappearing as those who call themselves Republicans continue to abandon the principles, morals, and standards of the once Grand Old Party. 

Politicians on the right side of the aisle are desperate. Without Trump fascist cult, they have no change in winning seats anywhere in the 2024 election. Their base is literally dying and they have nothing to offer the American people other than lies and rule by a fascist regime under the control of Donald Trump and his handler, Vladimir Putin. 

Later in February, South Carolina will hold its primary. It appears that Nikki Haley is placing all her marbles in one basket. As the former Governor of the state, she has lost favor after accepting Trump’s designation as our nation’s delegate to the United Nations. Most Republicans in the state do not trust Ms. Haley and refuse to support her bid to be the GOP nominee for the presidency in 2024.  

This situation proves that no one calling themselves a “Republican” in 2024 is qualified to lead our country. They are buffoons with a single goal, winning elections. Not a single Republican over the last three decades has been an effective leader for our nation’s people. Their economic policy of “trickle-down economics,” originated during the Reagan administration prove to be disastrous, placing our nation in billions and now trillions of dollars in debt, while enhancing the wealth of the super-rich and reducing the quality of life for the majority. Reagan, Bush 41, B ush 43 and Trump have proven themselves to be the worst presidents in modern history.  

Today, not a single man or woman on the right side of the aisle is qualified to lead American into the 21st century. The truth is, their party is non-existent. Its demise began in 1981 and culminated in 2017 with the illegitimate presidency of fascist Donald John Trump.   

If you love your country, you must reject anyone running for office under the Republican banner. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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