Does Anyone Care Who Trump Chooses as his Running Mate?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

Whoever the orange buffoon chooses as his running mate, we, the real Americans, can look forward to two things. First, he, (Trump would never choose a woman), must be willing to kiss his humongous derriere for the next four years. Second, if he dares disagree with his Fuhrer, Trump’s Neo-Nazi supporters will be ordered to murder him. Trump’s patterns are easy to follow. 

Who’s Leading in the Battle for Trump’s Next Lackey? 

I have no idea who Trump is considering for his VP, his little brain is shrinking, and he has proven that he is incapable of making intelligent decisions. However, I can tell you who is sucking up the most, literally begging Trump to choose him. His name is Tim Scott, the Republican Senator from South Carolina. 

Although you won’t notice the browns stains on his nose, he is a Black man, you will hear desperation in his voice as he praises the worst president in American history. 

Personally, I Hate to See a Black Man Begging for Anything from a White Supremacist 

It is no secret that whoever Trump chooses, he will be nothing but a “yes man.” He will not be allowed to think freely, and when he is allowed to speak, his words will be echoes of his master’s vile and angry speach.  

It will be especially sad to watch a black man excited to be a white man’s slave. Mike Pence’s white face was so white it was nearly translucent.  

Worse than the first, only a couple of his closest staff were qualified for their positions.  

Such a large number of his staff either resigned or were fired over four years, aides claimed that the West Wing had an echo. By the end of 2019, no one wanted to work for the madman. Fortunately for them, Trump’s time spent in the Oval Office was minimal. When he was in the White House the majority of his time was spent in the residence, watching television, or eating junk food. 

Not a Single Positive Accomplishment Over Four Years 

These are the facts: Trump was not a working president and why nothing of importance was accomplished between 2017 and 2021. His only “claim to fame” were his enormous tax cuts for large corporations and the super-rich. Although he did nothing, he bragged about the actions taken by President Obama, claiming them as his own. When our nation did need a leader in the White House, he was nowhere to be found. Although he received warnings from the CDC as early as December of 2019, Trump told the American people that the pandemic would just go away. He never admitted he was wrong, but faced reality in March when Americans began to die from the effects of Covid-19. 

Pence Must Share the Blame 

Mike Pence was equally responsible for the deaths of over one-million men, women, and children. The Vice-President takes the same oath as the president and must protect the people of our nation from natural and manmade disasters. 

I wish Tim Scott well: he has no place else to go now that he has committed his life to the leader of the American Fascist Party. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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