Like his Protege, Putin Refuses to Accept Blame for His Failures

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

At least 133 dead, the venue virtually destroyed, ISIS claimed responsibility, but Putin blames Ukraine. Sound familiar? “Passing the buck” and ignoring reality is not an exclusive tactic by Donald Trump.  

This weekend there was a concert at a Moscow theater. When the dust settled from a bomb, at least 133 people were pronounced dead, and dozens more injured. Almost immediately a group of ISIS terrorists claimed responsibility.

19 hours later Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his denial that a terrorist group other than his adversaries in Ukraine committed the heinous crime.  

His comments were reminiscent of Adolf Hitler in 1930’s Germany.  

On February 27, 1933, a threat against Hitler’s Nazi regime was recorded. Within hours the Parliament Building was burned to the ground. It was a well-known fact that a Dutch terrorist had issued the threat, but Hitler refused to tell the German people the truth. 

“You are now witnessing the beginning of a great epoch in history,” he proclaimed, standing in front of the burned-out building, surrounded by national media. “This fire,” he said, his voice trembling with emotion, “is the beginning.” He used the occasion — “a sign from God,” he called it — to declare an all-out “war on terrorism” and the groups he said were its ideological sponsors, the communists and Jews. 


It is important to note that like Putin and Donald Trump Hitler was a fascist. A common thread between these men is to blame others for their crimes and failures. All fascists share multiple beliefs. All information must originate from the government, not independent sources. Never cease lying about the facts: eventually uninformed citizens will believe you. Create your own “news” outlets. It is easy to reform them into propaganda machines to assist you in your brainwashing of the people. Most importantly redirect the facts by blaming others. Use the weakest attribute of mankind, emotions, to hide interest in the truth. All people can be molded into whatever you want them to be if you create atmospheres of fear, anger, and hatred. 

Hitler, Putin, and Trump used these tactics to prevent exposure of their never-ending falsehoods. 


I am not denying the fact that the men and women who supported Hiter, and support Putin and Trump today, were and are partially responsible for the destruction of freedom in their countries. Free thought, the expression of opposing ideas, and peaceful protests against a tyrannical government offer a threat to fascist regimes. 


Our nation is undoubtedly engaged in a Second Civil War. It is a repeat of the first battle to save our Union, but also a war to save the essence of the United States. We are under attack from the combined forces of Putin and Trump. Democracy is under attack by those who favor a totalitarian form of government. Fascism is the choice of Putin, Trump, and Trump’s cult. 

Find the truth, and accept reality. If we lose this war, you, me, and those we love will pay the price. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

Find my novels on Amazon’s Kindle 

Tell everyone that “the truth lives here” on TheWiseOldFart 



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