This Story Explains Support for Trump from Evangelical Leaders

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

  • If you are 40 years old or under, you’ve probably never heard this old saying: “birds of a feather, flock together.” It’s ancient by modern standards, but it remains true in the 21st century. It simply means that people who share the same beliefs support each other.

    This is one of those situations.


    Think about this: after four years of a failed presidency, indictments for 91 felonies, confirmation that he is a sexual predator, learning that he supports a godless and racist political ideology, fascism, and admission by his own words that if he is reelected, he will escalate his message of anger and hatred for anyone who is not loyal to him, Evangelical leaders continue to support Donald Trump.

    The explanation for this atrocity is found in a recent exposure of one of Trump’s most adamant supporters. Robert Morris is now the pastor at a Texas megachurch. He pretended to be Trump’s “spiritual advisor” during his illegitimate presidency, and continues to offer him unbridled loyalty.

    In 1982, at the age of 21, he was staying with a family over Christmas. He has been accused by Cindy Clemishire, now 54 of sexually molesting her when she was 12. Encounters between the two continued over the next 4 and one-half years.

    Some of you might remember that after attending one of Jeffrey Epstein’s “parties,” Trump was accused of sexual and physical assault by a 12-year-old girl. “Birds of a feather.”

    Morris has confessed to his crimes.

    “It was kissing and petting and not intercourse, but it was wrong,” Morris said in the statement. The same written statement was sent to Gateway Church employees Friday within hours of Clemishire’s story being published in The Wartburg Watch, according to a copy of the message reviewed by NBC News.

    However, in what has become normal for fake Christians, Morris claimed that he has reformed.

    “Since that time, I have walked in purity and accountability in this area,” Morris said, according to the statement. “The sin was dealt with correctly by confession and repentance.”

    Really? This is not the first time a “Christian” minister said similar things and later other women stepped forward to accuse him of sexual misconduct.


    Over the last 40+ years the men and women who call themselves “Republicans” have claimed to be the “party of family values.” However during that period of time numerous right-wing politicians have been caught in lies after committing acts of debauchery and perversion.

    There is a valid reason why the once Grand Old Party has become the party of liars and sexual deviates: they have been allowed to act as they wish without being exposed by the mainstream media. The once respected “fourth estate” no longer exists. It has failed to perform its duties since the Reagan Administration.

    Reagan’s extremist and unconstitutional devotion to the Christian religion is responsible for the creation of the Christian Religious Right lobby. Every day, in collusion with right-wing politicians, the CRR violates the First Amendment.

    Finally, if you call yourself a “Christian,” you cannot support Trump. Not once in his pitiful life has he crossed the threshold of the Church he claims to be his own. He worships money and cares for no one but himself.

    Op-ed by James Turnage

    My novels are available on Amazon





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