Did a Red State Governor Kill Someone You Loved?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Supporting Donald Trump’s moronic ideas and policies can cost you your life. According to health experts, Trump is directly responsible for at least 10,000 of the more than one million American deaths related to Covid-19. Their allegations are based on the undeniable fact that the worst president in history failed to take action in December of 2019 when he was informed of an approaching healthcare emergency. He continued to ignore the coming pandemic, telling the American people, “We are better prepared, and it will just go away.”

Governors in red states took Trump’s words seriously and failed to enforce suggested preventative actions to save lives issued by the CDC.

“As many as one-quarter of a million Americans died simply because their state governments refused to impose good public health standards. They died as appeasements to the twin gods of ignorance and politics.” Daily Kos


I am not a member of the mainstream media, and therefore not required to ‘play politics.’ The facts prove that Trump and his party did play politics during the Covid-19 crisis. They chose to be ignorant, ignoring science and the advice of healthcare authorities. They murdered American citizens for political gain.

There will be deniers to my allegations. However their denial is not founded on facts or even common sense. They simply don’t want to know the truth. These are Trump’s people. These same people continue to believe Trump’s big lie about the 2020 election, although there is not a shred of evidence proving his allegations, and a plethora of facts supporting the final decision from the Supreme Court.


During the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton labeled Trump supporters “a basket of deplorables.” I don’t know if I would have been so bold, but I cannot deny that the intent was valid.

It is unforgivable to deny irrefutable facts. It displays a lack of intelligence, or just a refusal to use an underworked brain.

I never counted them, but I do know that I have written hundreds of articles with Trump as the primary subject. This is why I am troubled about the fact that the worst man in America continues to have supporters. I have written about his many crimes, his many failures, his life as a sexual predator, and his close relationship with Vladimir Putin, which began in 1987. The fact that his loyalty to America’s biggest enemy supersedes his duty to his country is unforgivable and disgusting.


America is lacking common sense. It is easy to understand why Trump cannot be allowed a return to the White House. Anyone with average intelligence who looks honestly at what happened to our country between 2017 and 2021 could never vote for the worst president in our nation’s history.

Looking at the accomplishments of President Biden honestly and with nothing more than common sense confirms that Trump was another failed Republican president. Beginning with Reagan in 1981, and ending with Trump in 2021, the quality of life for the majority of the American people declined.

Clinton rescued our nation from the failed economic policies of Reagan and George H.W. Bush. Obama saved our country from George W. Bush who used the same failed economic policy. He also placed our nation in two costly and unwinnable wars. And Biden reversed the failures of Donald Trump in just three years. He saved lives and saved our economy.

Finally, one sad fact I never thought I would write about. 2024 is Trump’s third consecutive effort to win the White House. It is clear that he is the best the right wing has to offer. As an Independent voter, this makes me extremely unhappy. The once Grand Old Party is nothing more than a memory.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Find my novels on Amazon’s Kindle

Source: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/7/27/2258381/-Red-state-governors-sacrificed-200-000-Americans-to-COVID-19?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=top_news_slot_9&pm_medium=web





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