Plutocrats Support Trump, Project 2025, and the End of Democracy

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

At this moment, there are 813 billionaires in the United States. All but a few support Trump, Project 2025, and the replacement of democracy with a fascist regime. These plutocrats will never have enough money or as much power as they seek. These men and women created “Greedflation.” If you worry about surviving month to month while food prices, the cost of heating and cooling your home, and other necessities continue to rise for no logical reason, you are not alone. You are one of about 165 million Americans who cannot remember what it was like to have hope that ‘things will get better.’ My America is nothing more than a fond memory. 

We are living in a plutocracy. 813 billionaires control half of our leaders in Washington. However, a plutocracy cannot exist for long in a democracy. Therefore, these 813 individuals are working to end our democratic government and replace it with a fascist regime. Their ultimate goal is to pay zero dollars in taxes forever.  


What we can’t do is allow Trump to become our illegitimate president again. The damage he caused over just four years may signal the end of the United States of America. It will never return once it disappears. The dream will die. 

It might help you to understand some of what is happening when you learn that during an economic disaster, thanks to Trump’s failure to lead the fight against the coronavirus, the number of billionaires in the United States grew by about six-and-one-half percent. Somebody explain to me how that is possible. 


While holding a hate rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, a gunman attempted to end the pitiful life of Donald Trump. He missed, and killed one of Trump’s MAGA Republicans before he was killed. This will be remembered as the first shot of the Second Bloody Civil War.  

I am a proud pacifist and firmly believe that all forms of violence display ignorance. However, I have some understanding of how real Americans feel. Trump, his fascist party and supporters, threaten violence daily. They are in fact cowards, who are attempting to frighten patriots into submission. It’s not going to work. 

Violence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself. Lao Tzu 

Did Trump dare believe that his violent attempted coup on January 6, 2021 would not become a wound in the hearts and souls of true patriots? When we feel pain, fear is replaced with anger and a desire for retribution. This is how all wars begin. Soldiers on both sides are trained to believe that everyone on the other side is the enemy. This idea is far from the truth. The real enemies are those who send innocent men and women to fight for them on the battlefield. They are never in danger but are eager to put others in harm's way. 


I have no doubt that throughout history mankind viewed the advent of a new century with hope for a better life. For the majority of the American people, the beginning of the 21st century was the first of many dark days to come. 

In December of 2000, the Supreme Court illegally interfered in the election process, giving George W. Bush the presidency. Thus began the disrespect for the highest court in the land. This was also the beginning of the end of a functioning federal government.  

Political power has replaced the most important attribute of a dedicated elected official: to do the right thing, regardless of the implications. 

This election is about who will be in power when the dust settles: real Americans who love their country, or fascists who would destroy the nation of our Founding Fathers. 

A personal note. I have been writing about the worst man in the world for nearly a decade, and I hate it. Trump is a pariah, who has infected our country for far too long. Our votes are the lethal weapon which will end the infestation of Trump once and for all. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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