Priorities All Wrong for America in Texas and Every Other Red State

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Red states are a freakin mess. Their priorities are completely wrong for America. Their focus is not on the important issues facing America in 2024. Instead, they spend all their efforts on the agenda of those who call themselves “Republicans” today. “Project 2025” contains a long list of “to dos,” none of which represent the needs and wishes of the majority.

Their focus is on escalating racism, bigotry, religious intolerance, white power, and of course what they call “the protection of the Second Amendment.”


The moronic actions of right-wing extremists in red states include removing all rights for women to decide the mental and physical health of their own bodies, voter suppression, removing American history from our schools, attacks on the LGBTQ community, forcing Christianity on all Americans, and of course open display for the NRA Gun Lobby.

Years ago, the FBI revealed that “domestic terrorism is the greatest danger to the American people.” Mass shootings continue in every venue of American life and occur more frequently than the number of days on a calendar.

If you are willing to accept mass shootings by individuals armed with weapons designed for the sole purpose of killing as many individuals as possible in the shortest period of time in our schools, churches, shopping malls, concert arenas, etc., etc., etc., then you are definitely a right-wing extremist, also known as a “moron.”

Recently, the Attorney General of Texas revealed where the values of right-wing extremists are in 2024.

The Texas State Fair begins next month and will last for most of September. Last year there was an event involving a shooter or shooters. The committee which establishes rules for the operation of the fair decided that no guns will be allowed on the premises in 2024.

Texas lawmakers are outraged. They don’t want to eliminate the possibility of a good “old west style” gunfight. F**k the safety of the men, women, and small children attending the fair.

“Dallas has fifteen days to fix the issue,” Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said in a statement, “otherwise I will see them in court.”

Does anyone understand why I would never live in a red state? I cannot tolerate stupidity.


The very existence of “red and blue states” is ridiculous. None of the dumbest things in politics would exist exclusively in America if the Electoral College did not exist. I will never cease my outrage at the fact that states choose our presidents, not the people.

The only vote which should matter is the popular vote. Every vote should count, and the states have no right to void the votes of individuals who were not in the majority.

You can force our government to do the right thing and end the “politics only” atmosphere which exists in Washington today.


Op-ed by James Turnage

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