Why I Like Tim Walz


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Since 2015 the mainstream media has intentionally ignored the “real Donald Trump.” They have allowed him to create a false image. Although he is a failed businessman, a confirmed sexual predator, a convicted felon with more likely to come, a traitor, the leader of the American fascist movement, and the worst president in American history, not one word of this or a single exposure of his hundreds of thousands of lives has been offered by a single member of the former fourth estate. The press is virtually useless.

However, there is a new sheriff in town, and her deputy is telling the truth, exposing both Trump and the failure of the mainstream media to do its job.


Trump is being challenged by real Americans, members of his own party, a very few members of the legitimate press, and now an attack dog who is willing to attack him with what he fears most, the truth.

Tim Walz was speaking at an event in Los Angeles, his first solo appearance as Kamala Harris’ choice for a running mate. The dinner was held by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. Mr. Walz simply offered the truth without personal attacks about the policies of Trump and his running mate, J.D. Vance.

“When unions are strong, America is strong,” Walz, a former school teacher and union member, said.

“The only thing those two guys know about working people is how to work to take advantage of them,” Walz said.

Over four years, Trump’s failed economic policy of trickle-down economics, combined with his failure to lead the fight against Covid-19, nearly placed our nation in another Great Depression.

Walz matches Ms. Harris’ ability to simply tell the truth, to “tell it like it is.”


I have not been this excited since 2008. I have been a Kamala Harris fan for years and supported her candidacy in 2020. Mr. Biden surpassed all my expectations and had proven himself to be the best president since Bill Clinton.

Now it’s Kamala’s turn.

I would remind you that I predicted what is happening today in 2021. I believed then that President Biden would choose to serve a single term, and turn the reigns over to Kamala Harris.

This is meant to be.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Follow my novels on Amazon’s Kindle

Source: https://apnews.com/article/walz-unions-support-fundraiser-harris-democrats-1f809455ba6643ec7f455ca75c6acd30



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