Why is Voting Important if Your Vote Doesn’t Count?


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I encourage everyone to vote. I continue to read responses like, “my vote doesn’t matter,” or “why should I if my vote doesn’t count?”

I understand how some voters feel.

I live in a “purple state.” However, if I lived in a red state, I would have no reason to vote. Electoral votes in deep red states usually go to those calling themselves “Republicans.”

I admit that when I was first allowed to vote in 1968, I knew nothing about the Electoral College. I assumed that the candidate who received the most votes would be our next president. Little did I know that the states actually choose our nation’s leader. When I did understand the truth, more than 10 years later, I was extremely upset. I had grown up in California, but what if I had been a resident of Mississippi or any other red state?


First, there would be no “red or blue states” if the Electoral College did not exist. This is a political term based on the fact that if you are a Republican candidate, you do not need to campaign as frequently in red states, focusing your money and time on swing states.

Here’s how we can end this very moronic policy.

If all voters who lean towards the progressive or Democratic side of politics living in red states would vote, this situation could change. I am aware that many Democrats in red states are somewhat apathetic about voting, believing it is a waste of time. In 2020 Georgia proved that when all patriotic Americans, Black, white, Asian, and Hispanic go to the polls the Trump Party can be defeated.


Fact: If the Electoral College did not exist, not a single Republican would have lived in the White House since 1993. That is a 31-year period when Democrats would have led our nation. Only once did a Republican presidential candidate win the popular vote during those 31 years, George W. Bush in 2004 when he was challenged for reelection by John Kerry.

This is irrefutable proof that most Americas support the progressive agenda of Democrats, not the regressive plans of Republicans.


I believe that my choice for president must be valued regardless of where I choose to live in America. Our Founding Fathers believed that the people should choose who would lead them for the next four years. However, states with smaller populations demanded a stronger voice in the election process. In September of 1787, the Electoral College was added to the documents composed at the Constitutional Convention. This decision was controversial then, and remains controversial today.

I suggest that you write your Congressmen Senators, call them, or use any other means available to demand the repeal of the Electoral College. America is not a democracy if states, not the people, decide who will be our president. The American people should not be separated by state’s boundaries. If the majority of our nation’s people choose a man or woman to lead us, this individual is the people’s president.

Support the motto, “every vote must count.” This is our country. It does not belong to politicians. We must be considered when any decisions are made in Washington.

Op-ed by James Turnage

My novels can be found on Amazon’s free Kindle app




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