A Little Test: Are You a Patriot?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

It’s another election year. The most important right guaranteed to all Americans is your right to vote. With that right comes great responsibility.

If you vote for a party, casting aside consideration for who might be the best candidate for our nation’s future, you are not a patriotic American. Political parties are the problem, not the solution. They are not concerned with rebuilding our dysfunctional government. They seek power and wealth.

Patriot: “a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.”

Hugging the flag, wearing a hat with a slogan intended to be patriotic but is in fact racist, and constantly suggesting that our country is a disaster, does not make you a patriot. The facts prove that Trump is our nation’s enemy.


With 922 pages of plans for our nation’s future, Project 2025 is filled with an agenda which can only be described as fascist, and therefore anti-American. Every suggestion in the document originated from Trump between 2015 and today. His promises to his people are all contained in Project 2025.

A patriot does not violate the Constitution repeatedly while holding our nation’s highest office. A patriot does not disrespect the election process, claiming that an election was rigged, although he knew otherwise. A patriot does not attempt to overthrow a democratic process with the intention of remaining in power. A patriot does not steal national secrets for his own benefit. A patriot does not personally attack his rivals, hoping to gain political advantage. And a patriot is not selective, offering his support to only one group of Americans, shunning anyone who refuses to bow to his hate-filled beliefs.

Only a patriotic American should be allowed to wear the title of President of the United States of America.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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