We Must Not Allow Stupidity and Lies to Win the Election

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Here’s the headline that inspired me to write this article:

[Driven by Republicans, most Americans are concerned about fraud in the 2024 election]

Let me offer you a statistic which is also an undeniable fact. The percentage of voter fraud in modern elections is .012. In the 2016 and 2020 election, the few situations when voter fraud was suspected and confirmed were committed by Donald Trump supporters.

When the 2020 election was complete, Trump’s own Election Czar told reporters: “this election was the safest and most secure in history.”

Just yesterday information hidden from the American people since 2021 confirmed that on November 23, 2020, Trump was aware that there was no proof that massive fraud in any form had been discovered and he would lose any court case he filed to change the results. What happened later were criminal actions attempting to illegally overturn the results.

One more fact. Mail-in voting is the most secure option available. Many Americans, like me, are physically unable to stand in line at the polls, and exercising my most precious right and responsibility is extremely important.

Donald Trump’s “basement dwellers” continue to create doubt and fear about the safety of our elections because they choose ignorance over reality.


For 78 years Trump has lied to himself and everyone else. He has no idea what the truth sounds like. On January 6, 2021, when he stood on a hastily assembled stage and told his Neo-Nazi supporters to march to the Capitol Building and halt the certification of the Electoral College vote, he knew he had been badly beaten. However, his lust for power and the need to protect himself from criminal prosecution overruled the truth.

If you truly fear fraudulent action in November, you are a fool. You believe the lies of a man who is a lifetime pathological liar and a malignant narcissist. It’s long past the time this old, obese, orang man is removed from the pages of our newspapers and your nightly news. He is boring and it is clear that his mental abilities are in steep decline. Trump is entirely unfit for any public office.


In 2016, Hillary Clinton lost the Electoral College by less than 80,000 total votes in three states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. An historical voter turnout in 2020 gave Joe Biden a resounding victory in 2020.

Voting is a right which can only be protected if you accept the fact that it is also your responsibility.  

What happens in November is up to you. You can save our nation from the fascist politicians on the right-side of the aisle.illHHHHHHHH

Op-ed by James Turnage

Enjoy my novels on Amazon’s free Kindle app, and please tell everyone to follow my blog

Sources: https://www.npr.org/2024/10/03/nx-s1-5130284/election-concerns-voter-fraud-trump-harris-poll





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