14 Presidents and 19 Inaugurations I Learned About Each Man, but Only Watched Five Sworn In on January 20


Beginning in 1956, 14 presidents have lived in the White House which I remember. After coming home from school, turning on our black and white television, and watching Dwight Eisenhower’s second presidential nomination, an interest in our nation’s political system began to grow in my young brain. However, I have not watched many of the inaugurations on January 20. I can only remember five.

After most of our presidential elections, I was seldom excited about the man who would be leading our nation for the next four years, and in at least five elections, I was very disappointed in the results, positive that our nation would move backwards under their failed leadership, and on each occasion, I was right.

However, on January 20, 2017 and again on this coming Monday, you will not find me in front of my television. I am excited about Monday, but only because the NCAA Football Championship will be played that evening. Go Notre Dame!

I am the opposite of excited that another very old, white man who will be the first person inaugurated who is a convicted felon, and confirmed sexual predator, our nation’s biggest traitor, and a man who violated the Espionage Act will be allowed to lie as he takes the oath of office.

However, I have been given something to laugh about the dreadful event.

Monday will be very cold in Washington D.C. This is not unusual in December. However, Trump, who lives in his millionaire’s playpen in South Florida, is afraid that he will be uncomfortable. The inauguration will be held in the Capitol Rotunda. Only a small number of guests will be allowed inside the building, preventing many donors from witnessing the illegitimate swearing in of your 47th president.

What a woos! Many other inaugurations have been held in frigid temperatures, but not Trump. I understand. He is very old, approaching the age of 80 in just 17 months: too old to be the leader of 340 million people whose average age is just 38.2 years of age. Trump is more than twice the age of the average American he was elected to serve.

We all know that his mental health is in decline, confirmed by his pitiful performance during his hate rallies during the campaign. However, we must ask: “is he physically capable of surviving another four years pretending to be your president?” Will one of the most hated and disrespected vice-presidential candidates in history, J.D. Vance move into the White House during the next couple of years? God save us all. I don’t think anyone could be worse than Trump, but I’m sure Vance would try.

What we will all suffer from is another Trump administration. The only accomplishments Trump can truthfully claim over four, long years are permanent tax cuts for the super-rich, America’s newly anointed oligarchs, dividing our nation to a level compared only to the dark days of the Civil War, destroying the accomplishments of his predecessors over the last 60-70 years, alienating many of our allies, and failing to take timely action as a health emergency approached, resulting in the deaths of more than one million Americans, and destroying the improving economy he inherited from President Obama, placing America very near to another Great Depression.

The next four years can only be worse: he had four years to practice his path of destruction.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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Source: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trumps-inauguration-moving-indoors-due-weather-sources/story?id=117792480



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