Beelzebub’s Right Hand Man Calling Musk “Evil”

When I write articles for my blog, I realize that I have often been naïve. I truly believed that most of the people who read my rants are somewhat informed American citizens. Now I know that I must “speak down” to some of the individuals who choose to read the truth.

Steve Bannon. A brief history of this anti-American begins with the 2016 campaign of Donald Trump.

In August of 2016, after another woefully unqualified right-wing extremist, Ted Cruz, ended his bid to win the Republican presidential nomination, tech billionaire, Robert Mercer, moved his money, Kellyanne Conway, and Steve Bannon to Trump’s campaign. Bannon would be Trump’s new campaign manager.

After his illegitimate win in the Electoral College, Bannon moved into the White House as the chief strategy adviser. It wasn’t long until a tumultuous relationship began between the two arrogant and egotistical men and Bannon was fired in August of 2017.

In 2022 Bannon was charged and convicted for defying congress. He had been ordered to appear before the select committee investigating the violent insurrection on January 6, 2021. He refused and was sentenced to serve four months in a federal prison.

Today, he is co-president Elon Musk’s biggest critic. The two fascist egomaniacs are at war, or maybe it’s just jealousy.

[In an escalation of discontent among the highest-profile far-right followers of Donald Trump, his former adviser Steve Bannon has called Trump’s newest favorite, Elon Musk, “racist” and a “truly evil guy”, pledging to “take this guy down” and kick him out of the Maga movement.

[In an interview with the Corriere della Sera newspaper in Italy, excerpts of which were published this weekend by Breitbart, Bannon criticized Musk’s embrace of some forms of immigration and vowed to ensure that Musk does not have top-level access to the White House.]

I love it when fascists don’t play well together. It gives me a little hope.

So far, the pattern has been clear: Beelzebub Trump has taken Musk’s side on every debated issue. How long will the honeymoon last? No one knows, but history tells us not for very long. Both Trump and Musk are control freaks.

As for Bannon, the co-founder of the right-wing extremist podcast and blog, Breitbart, will continue his attempts to remain relevant. Trump will decide if he succeeds or disappears from the news like many other Trump loyalists.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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