Equality: The Biggest Lie of All





In the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, our Founding Fathers laid the groundwork for what would be the Constitution of the United States of America.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-“

The men who created the United States of America were in denial, ignoring their own failures to “put their money where their mouths were.” Most of them owned slaves, and obviously did not consider them equal to white men and women.

When framing the Constitution between 1787 and 1789 during the Constitutional Convention, an agreement was made to protect the practice of owning slaves, primarily in the southern states.

The Second Amendment was written for two reasons. First, to guarantee the availability of organizing an armed militia to protect the new nation, and second to protect the rights of slave owners to bear arms and protect themselves from an organized rebellion from the men and women they owned.

The Tenth Amendment to the Bill of Rights guaranteed each state the right to create laws pertaining to issues not included in the Constitution, including slavery.

“The 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution states that any powers not given to the federal government are reserved for the states or the people. It's a key part of the Bill of Rights and a cornerstone of American federalism.”

Fifteen Presidents came and went until 1860 with the election of Republican Abraham Lincoln.

The Civil War began in 1861 when the Confederacy rebelled against the Union. The primary issue was slavery. In 1863, in the middle of the Civil War, President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring that all enslaved people in Confederate states still in rebellion would be freed, significantly changing the war's focus from preserving the Union to fighting to end slavery.

This remains a great victory for the intent of the Constitution, but making laws is one issue, changing minds is another. Racism in America is as prevalent today as it was in the 1860’s. More than one-half of our elected officials and two-thirds of the Supreme Court support the white supremacy movement in 21st century America.

Millions of Americans continue the fight for equality in our nation. As our country moved away from capitalism and into a plutocracy, other demographics began to experience unfair and unequal treatment from those in power.

In his farewell address, a great American President, who will leave the White Huse in just  four days, gave his farewell address, after serving in Washington for half a century.

President Biden warned our nation about the dangers of another Trump presidency. His support for and from billionaires, all 756 of them, will solidify the current plutocracy. President Biden referred to our nation’s billionaires as “oligarchs.” A very accurate and frightening description.

All informed Americans are aware of Trump’s admiration for Vladimir Putin. He frequently offers praise for the Russian dictator/president.

Today, January 16, 2025, inequality in America has expanded beyond Black Americans  to all minorities, the entire working class, all women, the LGBTQ community, all non-Christians, to literally any man, woman, or child who is not pure white and without access to enormous wealth and power.

America has never been a “great” country for obvious reasons, Today our nation is moving backwards and will soon become the worst nation in the free world and all developed nations. A study completed in 2024 revealed that in all 15 developed nation, America places last in education, healthcare, and most significantly, the quality of life for all.

President’s final speeches are seldom significant. I understand what President Biden is telling us: democracy as we have known it for 248 years is in imminent danger.

Let’s go back to 1961. With the end of his second term, Dwight D. Eisenhower made a speech to the American people. He warned everyone about the danger of the growing military industrial complex. What has occurred over the last 64 years supports his concerns.

The annual budget for the Pentagon is approaching one trillion dollars. Several watchdog groups claim that our military wastes 50 cents out of every dollar it receives. There are hundreds of tanks, and millions of pounds of ordinance gathering dust in warehouses. The F-15 fighter has not reached a level of  competence which would allow it to be manufactured for our country’s use and the needs of our allies. Cost overruns, and failures when tested against other, older aircraft make this aircraft the most costly in history.

Here’s why this is important. The truth is our military has lost every war since WWII.

The Korean War continues, technically. There has never been an agreement to end the conflict. North and South Korea agreed to a “cessation of military engagements:” a temporary truce. We left Vietnam in disgrace in 1975. I have never read a viable reason why we were engaged in a war halfway around the world. Our military left Iraq without any resolution, paving the way for ISIS. Our forces remained in Afghanistan for 20 years until President Biden ordered a withdrawal of all our nation’s military after Trump made an agreement with the Taliban during his illegitimate presidency.

This and the profits of large corporations are our government’s major concern.

Inequality exists across our nation. Corporate America is attacking the working class and our elderly with unnecessary increases in the prices of necessities, known as “Greedflation.” Every corporation in America followed their lead and raised prices on everything.

In just a few decades America has become a third world nation with one percent of our nation’s citizens in control of every event in Washington, and every decision which affects the majority.

The 2024 election proves that voting has become a waste of time. Knowing what I know, I have no doubt that the super-rich, in collusion with Trump and Putin, rigged the results of what our government is certifying as a “free and fair election.” In 2016, we learned that our own government hid the truth about the results. Was 2024 a repeat of 2016?

I will admit one fact. Part of the results of the November 5th election was based on our nation’s lack of respect for women. In 2016 Hillary Clinton suffered from prejudice encouraged by the mainstream media. Exit polls reveal a similar situation in 2024.

In 21st century America only the rich and powerful benefit from what has become known as the “American way of life.” The Constitution is no longer valid, and with it the United States of America no longer exists.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Please follow my blog and enjoy my novels on Amazon’s Kindle

Source: https://www.npr.org/2025/01/15/nx-s1-5258510/biden-farewell-address




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