Not an American President

November 5, 2024. This day in American history is likely to become the darkest day in its nearly 249 years of existence. I never thought I would experience a more horrific event in our country than the attempted coup on January 6, 2021. Three hours of mayhem, violence, efforts to destroy our nation’s democratic government. An act of treason orchestrated by one self-centered egotistical maniac in an attempt to remain in power. He admitted to his staff that he lost the 2020 election, but used a lie to justify organizing a group of Nazis to invade the Capitol Building.

With Trump again in a position to rule over 340 million people, I fear that my prediction is coming to fruition. Trump is violating laws, customs, tradition, and the Constitution every day he pretends to be an American president.

It is clear that he will never be a true president; he is not a leader: the schoolyard bully is a dictator. He most definitely lacks the qualities to be an American. His loyalty is not to the people he was elected to serve, it is to himself, his oligarchs, and his mentor, Vladimir Putin.

It is no secret that I believe Presidents Day is the worst holiday by far. Only a handful of our country’s 47 presidents deserve our respect. Most were nothing more than adequate: some worse than others. Sadly a number of these mostly old, white men, caused great harm to our nation, never performing as intended by the voting public.

Above, actually below, all of these men, one obese old fascist stands alone. His first election was fraudulent. He was aided by the leader of a foreign nation. Unfortunately, our cowardly and corrupt government hid the truth from voters until the election was over. Three months after his last victory, I have serious doubts about the validity of the 2024 election.

Days after the November 5th election, one respected tech company claimed that Russian hackers had infiltrated some of the voting machines, primarily in the seven swing states. No one else has displayed the courage to speak truth to power.

Five words you will never hear from the mainstream media, nor from cowardly Democrats: “Trump is not an American.” He is following his neo-Nazi playbook, Project 2025.

The saddest truth about this entire situation is our government, the once respected Fourth Estate, and our military leaders are allowing Trump to piss on the Constitution every minute he is awake.

Oh well, we had a longer run than our second president predicted.

“Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” John Adams

Op-ed by James Turnage

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