The American Fascist Party is the Result of Politicians Becoming Mad with Power

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

Over the last 248 years the United States of America has experienced enormous change. In 1932, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt became our nation’s 32nd President. His policies were focused on improving the lives of all Americans. He will deservedly be remembered as “the people’s president.” He was so popular, he won four elections. I sincerely doubt that I would be receiving the money I and my employer paid into throughout my working life today if President Roosevelt had not fought for Social Security.  

Positive change for all Americans continued until 1981. I was lied to and misled throughout the 1980 campaign. After he was sworn in Ronald Reagan exposed himself for what he was. 

Reagan began his wars on the working class, minorities, women, and all religions other than Christianity. 

No one will ever deny the success of his foreign policies. However, his domestic policies were focused on his personal beliefs, and close association with the super-rich, and Christian leadership. 

Needless to say, I did not vote for Reagan in 1984. 


The harm Reagan caused to the majority; the working class did not go unnoticed. Although George H.W. Bush succeeded Reagan in 1988, he adopted the same fiscal policy of “trickle-down economics” which lessened the quality of life for most and increased the national debt. He was a one-term president. 

Although George W. Bush became our president in 2000, he lost the popular vote, and was not declared the winner until the Supreme Court violated the letter of the law and interfered with the results. He received the certification of the Electoral College vote.  

In 2016, Donald Trump was declared the winner, although he lost the popular vote convincingly. We now know that Russian influence made a difference in the results, and the Trump campaign had colluded with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Thanks to our cowardly government, failing to do the right thing, Trump became our first, and hopefully last, illegitimate president. 


Republicans are not the “sharpest tools in the shed,” but they do understand about losing elections. They know that although Trump’s supporters are dominated by Neo-Nazis and white supremacists, they cannot win without his cult. To ensure this becomes reality, they have embraced Trump’s fascist agenda.  

Winning elections has become far more important than the future of 330 million people. Politics has always been the ugliest profession, but in the 21st century it is criminal and treasonous.  

These fake Republicans realized that they could not win elections without the support of Trump’s cult. They embraced Trump’s fascist policies to win elections. 

Trump’s huge loss in 2020 sent great fear onto the right side of the aisle. It was clear that these fake Republicans might never win another election if free and fair elections remained. Their support for the end of democracy became rabid. They are power mad and desperate. Politics destroyed the federal government of the United States. 

Save your country, save democracy. Vote and tell everyone you know to do the same. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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