Ignorance and Apathy Displayed by Most American Voters May Negatively Alter the Future of the World

The world’s population is estimated at 8.2 billion people. These people live in 195 countries led by 195 leaders, and 195 governments.

The United States population in 2024 is 346,189,562 as of November 29, 2024. Our country will be led by the least qualified man in the world who has no idea how to lead more than 346 million people, and simply doesn’t care. Our government has proven itself to be the most incompetent and corrupt in the world. And yet, those who spend their days pretending to govern America in Washington may very well change everything about the future of 8.2 billion people after January 20, 2025.

It is inevitable that 2025 will not be a good year for the average human being. The rich and powerful will have complete control over our future when the fascist Trump administration takes complete control over the most powerful nation in the world.

Inside the private meeting rooms of the United Nations there is an atmosphere of mistrust, confusion, uncertainty, and even fear. Upheaval worldwide is a distinct possibility. Revolution and rioting could become daily news.

Trump’s negative effect on the world between 2017 and 2021 will become inconsequential after the first six months of a second opportunity to destroy what was once the most respected nation in the world, offering hope for most of the world’s population.

The United States had a reasonably good run. 248 years is nothing compared to the history of the world, but according to John Adams, America’s second president, it lasted longer than he and other members of our founding fathers believed possible.

“I cannot say that democracy has been more pernicious, on the whole, than any of the others. Its atrocities have been more transient; those of the others have been more permanent. The history of all ages shows that the caprice, cruelties, and horrors of democracy have soon disgusted, alarmed, and terrified themselves.”

“Democracies always commit suicide by eventually wasting, exhausting, and murdering themselves.”

Trump is solely responsible for thousands of deaths related to the Covid-19 coronavirus. His failure to take timely and necessary action in 2020 allowed the deadly health emergency to spread more quickly and became lethal in our country by March. A total of more than one-million lives were lost.

Over the next few years he could become responsible for death and destruction worldwide. American presidents, a few good, but mostly bad, have influenced events around the world for nearly 250 years. Nothing good will come from a second opportunity for Trump and Putin to destroy alliances which have prevented a third world war for 79 years.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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Source: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/12/1/2286539/-The-United-Nations-faces-uncertainty-as-Trump-returns-to-US-presidency?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=top_news_slot_2&pm_medium=web




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