Dr. Phil Exposed as a Fraud, a Racist, and a Fascist
I admit to being surprised when I learned that “Dr. Phil
McGraw” was an avid Trump supporter and spoke at one of his hate rallies in
October. Racists and bigots eventually expose themselves, and this was the
television personality’s chance to reveal himself.
He strongly supports Trump’s foolhardy and bigoted
immigration policy, which in reality will become an effort to eliminate all
Hispanics from America. Trump’s idol, Adolf Hitler, hated Jews. For reasons
unknown, Trump hates Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, literally any man or woman who
is not pure white. It is clear that McGraw shares his passion.
I have been aware from my teen years until where I am today,
an old fart, that to be a true American, certain human traits are necessary. By
design, the United States is a nation of immigrants. Its diversity is a
necessary component in the formula of what makes America unique in the world..
I believe that intelligence, the ability to think freely and
clearly, the absence of prejudice without reason, compassion, and the eagerness
and will to accept small to large differences between people from every corner
of the world is what being an American is all about. It’s a lot to ask from
people who are raised with a set of beliefs which are passed down from
generation to generation, and extremely difficult to alter.
The problem with the current state of racism and bigotry in
America today, is founded in the brains of men and women who are arrogant,
sanctimonious, and unwilling to accept change. It is compounded by those who
live in segregated areas of our nation. This segregation is not solely based on
ethnicity, race, or color of skin, it can also be segregation by wealth,
religion, and the effects of education other than public, integrated schools.
We learn more from our environment than from books. Where we
live and who we associate with shapes the character of the people we become.
The bottom line is most humans fail to have “open minds,”
willing to examine new ideas. Therefore, we must choose which path we take.
This is what makes America unique: free thought.
Common sense is uncommon in the 21st century. I
find it impossible to believe that anyone who knows even a small percentage of
what I learned about Trump over the last 10 years could possibly support the
worst man in our nation.
The only reason any man or woman with average intelligence
would support Trump is if they share his beliefs in fascism, racism, xenophobia,
misogyny, and homophobia. This confirms my claims that all Trump supporters are
anti-Americans and fake Christians. They are not Americans, they are a cult and
their fealty belongs to their cult leader, Donald John Trump.
So, where are we as a nation? The simple answer is not
pleasant, nor can I put it delicately: we are fucked.
Power is in the hands of the fascists who would overthrow
our democracy forever. No one with the power to save 334 million people will
stand up and do the right thing.
I, a writer, am without words. I am sad and disappointed in
more than one-half of our country’s people, who are indeed traitors to the
other half and the Constitution.
May the USofA rest in peace
Op-ed by James Turnage
Sources: https://www.reddit.com/r/Documentaries/comments/rqrvc2/the_shattered_facade_of_dr_phil_2021_002020/?rdt=54039
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