Let’s Get Down to the Basics: Who is Best Qualified to Lead 330+ Million People
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
I am one of the guiltiest people in the world. I have
literally written hundreds of derogatory articles about Donald Trump, and his hypocritical
party. I am not apologizing: everything I write is the truth.
However, a general election must be about the candidates and
what they will accomplish for all 330+ million people over the next four years.
Let’s look at their qualifications and what these two octogenarians have
accomplished over eight decades.
I know you are already judging me. I referred to both
candidates as “octogenarians.” I am aware that Trump reached the age of 78 in
June; I am exactly three weeks younger. However, trust me when I say that the
difference between 78 and 81 is non-existent.
When you are lucky enough to reach an age exceeding the
national average, you become aware that age is truly just a number. Hopefully,
you will maintain most of your physical abilities, and all of your mental
acuity as you age. I possess some of the former, and all of the latter.
With our own eyes, we see that both men’s physical abilities
are in decline. They both walk with an insecure gate. They both appear to fall
asleep, even during important events. Both share slurred speech and forget
names of people they know well, and places they have been or are currently in.
I have one serious problem: I am physically disabled. After
suffering from Covid-19 in 2020, I lost my balance. I use a walker with
eight-inch wheels to prevent falls. I deal with it.
The critical issue for both men concerns their mental capabilities.
The mainstream media continues to talk about what should
have been a non-issue; the first debate. It was obvious that the President was
tired, and not feeling well. However, the media should be talking about Trump’s
refusal to answer direct questions, and his 24 blatant lies. There were only
losers in the debate.
President Biden is not always clear when he speaks, but it
is clear that he talks about making our nation a better place for all 330
million people.
It is difficult to decide whether Trump is suffering from
dementia or not. His speeches have not changed over the last nine years. He
repeats the same stories, like old men do, and complains about his perceived
persecution, while making sound effects and remarks which make no sense.
There are times when Trump appears to be unaware of where he
is and what he’s doing, but other than the fact that he is a malignant
narcissist, only a competent psychiatrist can fairly evaluate his mental state.
If I were to grade them, each candidate would receive a “C.”
President Biden was elected to the United States Senate in
1972. He was the youngest person ever to win a seat in the “Upper House.” He
served as a Senator from Delaware until he was sworn in as America’s
Vice-President in 2009. After serving under President Obama for eight years, he
announced his intent to win the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020.
Trump had no experience in government at any level, Never in
his life has he worked within the community. He learned nothing between 2017
and 2021: he was busy golfing, holding his infamous hate rallies, partying at Mar-a-Lago,
and watching Fox News. He admits that he did not know what NATO was when he was
sworn in in 2017.
Although the mainstream media refuses to report these facts,
Mr. Biden has accomplished more in just over three years than any president
since Bill Clinton. Most importantly to most Americans, his policies and
actions place America in the best shape economically since 2001 when President
Clinton left office with our nation free from debt, and the national treasury
enjoying a surplus.
He can be proud of his accomplishments with America’s
economy, repairing the infrastructure, saving thousands of lives with a
competent plan to distribute the Covid-19 vaccine, forgiving student loans,
making the Affordable Care Act available to more Americans, and multiple other
accomplishments unreported by an unsupportive press. He would have passed a
bill to secure our borders, but after a bipartisan agreement in the House,
Republicans reneged after a phone call from Trump ordering them to reject the
The media allowed Trump to brag about his “accomplishments.”
However, the facts are clear. Everything Trump bragged about as his own were
put into place during President Obama’s administration. In fact, other than tax
cuts for millionaires and billionaires, his only “accomplishment” was telling
the American people that Covid-19 would “just go away.” His failure to lead in
a crisis cost tens-of-thousands of Americans their lives, and nearly placed our
nation in another depression.
I have published many articles condemning Trump for his destructive
plans for our nation’s future. However, this story is nothing but facts about
how two very different men spent their eight decades on earth.
There is no choice. As Republicans said during the 2016
campaign: “anybody but Trump.”
Op-ed by James Turnage
Find my novels on Amazon
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