Protests Are Very American, Unlike the Lies and Whining from FOX News and Other Right-Wing Propaganda Machine


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Just once more, at least for today, read the First Amendment carefully and take special note of the last line.

[Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.]

In July, our nation will celebrate 248 years since the Declaration of Independence began the creation of the United States of America. There have been occasions when our overpaid government has accomplished great things. However, most changes which benefit all Americans were the result of demands from the people.

From labor protests to the demands of younger Americans to end the illegal war in South Vietnam, to the peaceful marches led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., which were followed by recent Black Lives Matter protests against police brutality against minorities, America only works when protecting democratic precepts of human rights, freedom, and complete equality for all Americans means taking action against an incompetent government which ignored us for far too long..


It was my generation which was drafted into a war halfway around the world. However, we were never told what we were fighting for. I cannot offer you a valid reason today. All I know for certain is that 58,220 Americans were killed during the war in Vietnam, and about 365,000 were injured, some severely with the loss of limbs, eyesight, or suffering from irreparable brain damage.

I cheer for and stand with the protestors demanding an end to the violence in Gaza today. What began as an effort to rescue 253 innocent women, children, and elderly who were kidnapped inside Israel by the terrorist group, Hamas, has escalated into a form of genocide. Israeli missiles and bombs are killing innocent Palestinians and destroying hospitals, schools, mosques, literally everything.

The same signs I saw during the Vietnam War are in use today: No More War, Make Love, not War, War, What is it Good For, Absolutely Nothing, and many more.


America’s military has lost every military conflict in which they were engaged since the end of WWII in 1945. This has been my experience between 1946 and today.

The Korean Conflict continues. This war has no end. There has been no truce, no peace agreement, no signed treaty. What exists is a mutual agreement for “an end to hostilities” between North and South Korea.

I remember watching the newsreel showing the last U.S. helicopter leaving Saigon in disgrace. The “most powerful nation in the world” retreated in shame and embarrassment.

A similar situation occurred when the last American aircraft left Afghanistan, our nation’s longest war, in August of 2021. Our military was sent to Afghanistan in 2001 to capture or kill the architect of 9/11, Osama bin Laden. However, President George W. Bush forced our military to remain, when that mission failed.

Officially, the American military has been removed from Iraq. This is mostly true, but not entirely so. The “war” on the sovereign nation of Iraq began in 2003 under false pretenses, so another lie is not a surprise. There were no “weapons of mass destruction,” and Sadaam Hussein was not hiding weapons for Al Qaeda. Lives and billions of dollars were lost for nothing.

Each year the Pentagon receives an increase in its budget. It is near one-billion dollars today. Watchdog groups tell us two things: 50 cents out of every dollar is wasted, and we have thousands of munitions and weapons including Abrams tanks in storage which will never be used. The cost overruns on the F-15 have resulted in the cost of one aircraft being equal to the national military budgets of several smaller nations.


Without protests, very little change would ever happen in America. Professional politicians are more involved with reelection than serving the American people. Only when their personal goals are jeopardized do they do anything.

Let them know what you think of them and their failure to care for the needs and wishes of our nation’s people.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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