“Sleepy Donnie”
His criminal hush money trial: his inauguration: in the
National Cathedral: these are just a few of the places where Trump was caught
by the television cameras sleeping. It seems that if he is not complaining
about being mistreated, or praising himself, he is asleep sitting up.
You might remember his nickname for President Biden, “Sleepy
Joe.” Trump has rightfully inherited that nickname. He is a very old man; the
oldest president elected in history. In just 15 months, he will be 80, if he
survives that long. He is obviously in steep decline mentally and physically,
and becoming more so every month.
The truth is, a good nickname for Mr. Biden would have been “Working
Joe.” He was one of the hardest working presidents in my lifetime, and I can
bear witness 14 of them. This is why he has a long list of accomplishments, and
the same reason why Trump had none.
I continue to believe that the late-night comics, the
mainstream media, and of course fake Republicans all combined to President
Biden’s low approval ratings. Instead of talking about his successes, they made
jokes about his age constantly on television. The mainstream media talked about
his “gaffs” and other minor incidents, and never about what he was doing for
our country. And of course the lies from right-wing politicians, and their
propaganda machine, Fox News, were cruel and misleading at their best.
As it is with everything, social media was the worst of all.
The internet has become the “misinformation highway.”
Between 2017 and 2021 Trump accomplished nothing of
importantance to the majority of our nation’s people. He considers his “executive
orders” to be “accomplishments.” However, all his signature accomplished was
destroying the hard work President Obama and his administration did over the
previous eight years. Many of those executive orders were in violation of the
Constitution. He is doing the same in 2025.
Trump’s most massive failure was his refusal and inability
to lead our nation in the fight against Covid-19. His incompetence resulted in
more than one million lives lost, and placed our nation very near to a second
Great Depression.
Sleepy Donnie should never have been sworn in. It is the
greatest embarrassment in our nation’s history that a convicted felon, a confirmed
sexual predator, and a sitting president who committed treason on January 6,
2021, and stole national secrets for personal use on January 20, 2021, was
allowed to remain a free man and claim the title of President of the United
Never a “great” country, and now the most lawless and
corrupt nation in the world.
Op-ed by James Turnage
Please follow my blog because the truth lives here
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