The Military of the Unites States is a Fascist Organization


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


I enlisted into the United States Air Force in September of 1964. I was poor and couldn’t afford to attend a college or university. The man I met with to discuss my future guaranteed me that after my four years of service I would be able to find a career in civilian life.

I informed my recruiter that I suffered from severe migraine headaches, but he said that would not be a problem.

After my eight weeks of basic training at Lackland AFB in Texas, I was sent to Keesler AFB in Mississippi in November of 1964 to be trained as a “non-morse intercept operator.” This would require me to listen and record top secret messages in morse code at a base secluded from normal military institutions, and be given a top-secret clearance. Most disappointing was that when my enlistment was complete, I would not be able to transfer my experience into any civilian employment.

My migraines became more severe and more frequent. After several visits with an Air Force psychologist, I was discharged based on a decision by the base medical board. In March, I received a general discharge, although my recruiter had failed to place the information about my medical condition into my record. I later learned that he had received a bonus based on the number of enlistees he secured each month.


I skip ahead to 2008. The Great Recession happened, and I was laid off from my job in an electrical warehouse. I filed a claim with the Nevada Department of Employment, Training & Rehabilitation for unemployment compensation.

My claim was validated, but I was met by a woman who specialized in cases involving former military personnel. She assumed that I would qualify for medical aid from the Veteran’s Administration.

 She looked at my record of service, a form DD-214. I was then informed that I was ineligible for medical assistance because I had not served for six consecutive months. I enlisted on September 11, 1964, and was discharged on March 9, 1965. She said this was clearly intentional. The recruiter was supported and I was denied my rights.


Based on my experience, I would advise anyone who decides to enlist into any of our armed services to rethink their decision.

Our military is a fascist organization. This is considered a necessity by our government and the Pentagon, but for any man or woman who cherishes free thought and free choice, a military life is very limiting. Controlling the lives of our military is mandatory in the execution of duties required by the leaders of our Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and the Coast Guard. However, if you choose to enlist in one of the branches of our armed forces to receive training in the public sector, you may be disappointed.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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