SCOTUS: Six Politicians in White Robes Dyed Black

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I still feel the sadness and the emotional pain when it became real that Moscow Mitch McConnell, in concert with the Federalist Society, had stacked the Supreme Court with right-wing extremists. No longer would the highest Court in the land be the only branch of our to government to save the Constitution and therefore democracy in America.

I remain ‘on the fence’ about John Roberts, but I am absolutely positive that five of the justices on today’s Court are wearing white robes which have been dyed black. Their beliefs are so far to the right it is clear that they support replacing democracy with fascist rule.

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito have been patiently waiting for the time when their reasons for being on the Court were fulfilled. They have been on the Court since 1991 and 2006. Trump and Moscow Mitch added two men and one woman who were unfit to serve on the highest Court in the land, but would join with other politically biased men and gain the ultimate majority: 6-3.


Without a Supreme Court as the watchdog over the other branches of our government, Washington has become the most corrupt government in the world. The power of the Court is absolute. However, they not only inspect laws and rules, they are creating them in the 21st century. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Our Founding Fathers know now that they made a serious mistake allowing lifetime appointments for the justices.

Never forget that these six justices overturned a ruling made by a legitimate Court in 1973. The ruling, known as Roe v Wade, guaranteed a woman’s right to make vital decisions about their mental and physical health. Justices Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett removed this right. Instead of protecting rights for women, they removed a very important one. June 24, 2022 will be remembered as one of the darkest days in American history, and the day the Supreme Court of the United States confirmed that it is 100 percent politicized.


Trump, and what has become The American Fascist Party, are very open about their plans to end democracy in America, and place their Fuhrer in control of a fascist regime. They openly approve of ending the process of electing the president and all other members of the legislative and judicial branches, and support a dictatorship.

However, Democrats, and progressive commentators deny the great danger facing our nation. They pretend that “everything will be okay,” in the same way Trump told us that Covid-19 would “just go away.”

On Bill Maher’s show last Friday, he and his guests, two former politicians, one a Democrat, and one a Republican, rejected not only the seriousness of this election, but believe that Trump should not go to prison based on his conviction for 34 felonies. Anyone else who had not been our nation’s illegitimate president would spend several decades behind bars. Why admit that Trump is above the law?

Of course, all three of these men are millionaires and awaiting a Trump election to receive additional tax cuts.

In 2024, if you are not one of America’s 5.5 million millionaires, or 813 billionaires, you are of no importance to those who are in control of America’s future and ridiculously wealthy.

One final note: the number of millionaires and billionaires increased during the pandemic, while the working class faced a possible depression. How if the f**k did that happen? More corruption.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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