Hey Trump; I Know you Failed Social Studies, So Allow Me to Educate You
America was always meant to be a nation of immigrants. Trump
is obviously unaware that America is a nation of immigrants. It is highly
likely that he is unaware that his grandfather, Friederick Drumpf/Trump
immigrated to the US in the mid 1960’s.
22 percent of all Americans claim to speak a language than English
in their homes. Of the 22 percent, only 8.4 percent say that they speak it well
or very well.
However, the most racist man in the world will sign a bill
into law making English the official language of the United States. English
cannot be the only acceptable language in a nation composed of immigrants. King
George III’s demand that the Anglican Church be the only Church of the British
Empire. This was the “straw which broke the camel’s back” for our Founding
Unlike Trump, I and most other Americans celebrate our
diversity, and support equality and inclusion for all. This is what would have
made America a great country until millions of ignorant voters voted for Trump
in 2016 and 2024. Trump was also aided by interference from Vladimir Putin,
according to the FBI.
I am waiting for Trump and Musk’s attempt to repeal the First
Amendment. This is where guarantees and promises were made to protect every
American, and their right to vote.
Trump and Musk support the current plutocracy, and this type
of government cannot exist is a democratic and free society.
When will the mainstream media be honest and confirm that the
ambition of Putin and his puppets, Trump and Musk, is to destroy the government
of the United States. It lasted for almost 249 years. Our second Presided, John
Adams said that “a democracy never lasts long. It soon destroys itself.”
Thank you, Trump voters.
Op-ed by James Turnage
If you want the truth, follow my blog
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