Keep the Focus on Trump’s Project 2025

Keep the Focus on Trump’s Project 2025 

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

A terrible debate on both sides. A conviction on 34 felonies. Democrats vacillating on President Biden’s competence. Another fake judge placing Trump above the law. Trump choosing a running mate who once accurately portrayed him as a “modern Hitler.”  Some moron in the RNC choosing a very blue city in Wisconsin as its choice to hold a national convention. A controversial 

 attempted assassination with more questions than answers. Unreliable polls. A convicted felon and sexual predator running for the presidency. Religion as a critical issue in a country which prohibits interference by any faith. 

These are some of the issues involved in the 2024 election.  

Universal healthcare, pervasive racism within law enforcement and our federal government, immigration reform, the prohibitive cost of higher education, women’s rights, domestic terrorism, voter suppression, and income inequality have been forgotten. 

I believe that we should focus on one very scary fact: Trump’s Project 2025. 


Trump claims to know nothing about the fascist manual created by the Heritage Foundation. However, every idea, every word listed in “Project 2025” originated from his pie hole.  

It is Trump who bragged that he would become a dictator, make America white again, and erase the First Amendment by establishing Christianity as America’s one, true religion. These are some of the major changes he would make now that the Supreme Court granted our presidents “absolute immunity.” 

In case you haven’t noticed, the Republican Party of your father is dead and buried 20 feet under the ground. Today’s “Republicans in name only” fail to possess any of the principles or morals of the Grand Old Party. They share the beliefs of dictators present and past, and hate the America of our Founding Fathers. 


Fact: a vote for Trump is a vote to burn the Constitution, and the end of the United States of America. This is not a conspiracy theory or an impossible idea, Trump proved who and what he really is since 2017. He is a traitor and our nation’s biggest lifetime criminal. 

Trump is a malignant narcissist who has only two goals, both for himself: great wealth and absolute power, regardless of the cost to 330 million people. And now he has the power to make Vladimir Putin’s dream come true: the end of the United States of America. 

Your vote can save the dream, or you can surrender to Big Adolf and his fascist party. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

My novels are available on Amazon 



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