Another Tragic Event in History Proving That America has Never Been a Great Country
In August of 1619 the first slaves stepped onto the New
Land. This vile and inhuman act began what has become pervasive racism in the
United States for more than 248 years.
Republicans, with assistance from their propaganda machine, FOX
News, continue to confirm that their party is composed of racists, bigots,
homophobes, religious bigots, and sexists. This tells us that about one-half of
all 340 million people are prejudiced without reason.
One event which I never read in history class, and only
learned about later in life, is demonstrative of how destructive racism has
been for our nation’s future.
The Black community in Tulsa, Oklahoma, had a very
successful business district in 1921. However, on March 31 and June 1st,
an angry crowd of about 10,000 angry white men stormed into the Black part of
Tulsa on March 31 and began attacking Black men and women while setting fire to
their stores and shops. At the end of a well-planned attack on June 1st,
more than 300 Black men and women had been killed and the business district had
been burned to the ground.
Your president elect learned from his father, Fred, that all
Black people were inferior to whites. On January 6, 2021, Trump proved once and
for all that he is the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in 21st
century America. What will the next four years look like as our nation will be
led by an obese, old, very white man who is a lifetime racist and bigot?
Trump’s fascist manifesto, Project 2025, includes Trump’s
plan to disperse peaceful protests with the use of military force, especially
if the protest is led by the group Black Lives Matter.
This not only proves that Trump will be an American Hitler,
it confirms the fact that the Constitution means nothing to him. He cannot be
called an “American president.”
From as long as I have been interested in politics, I hated
any professional politician who told his supporters that “America is the “greatest
country in the world.” It is impossible to be a great country when half or our
nation’s people and half of our government reject the guarantees promised in
the First Amendment.
In 2023, a study was
completed which evaluated 15 developed nations in multiple areas. In three of
the most important areas, quality of life, education, and healthcare, the
United States was in last place.
What happened in Tulsa has
been hidden from our nation’s people, along with many other actions in our country’s
past when displays of prejudice demeaned the core values of what was intended
to be the “shining star of democracy.”
Today, after the disastrous
results of the 2024 election, there is undeniable proof that more than one half
of our nation’s people support white supremacy, homophobia, misogyny, and
religious bigotry.
When did America surrender
to fascism? Somewhere during 2017?
Op-ed by James Turnage
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