When Fascism Came to America, It Was Hugging a Flag, Selling Bibles, and Wearing a Cheap Toupee

Rules are broken. The Constitution is a list of rules, promises, and guarantees. However, Trump violated the Constitution every day between 2017 and 2021 and congress nor the Supreme Court did anything to punish our nation’s biggest traitor.

Recently exposed is Trump’s plan to employ Hitler’s use of Germany’s military to destroy the lives of an entire race of people he despises. Hitler waged a personal war against the Jewish people. Trump will use our nation’s military to complete his promise of Hispanic mass deportation and possible genocide almost immediately after January 20th. They voted in large numbers for the orange buffoon and will now suffer for their stupidity.

I have labeled Trump a fascist for more than a decade, and he continues to prove my allegations. It is now an undeniable fact the fascism arrived in the White House on January 20, 2017. It was in the form of an obese, old, white man who loved to hug the flag, sold bibles to enhance his personal wealth, and continues to wear a cheap toupee. Donald John Trump/Drumpf continues to follow in his father’s footsteps.

Your president elect has already begun efforts to accomplish the goals listed in his Project 2025. It is very clear that the plans Trump and Putin made in Moscow in 2013 are in place. The surrender of our nation to Putin is on the horizon, and no one in Washington will do anything to stop the destruction of the dreams of our Founding Fathers. Our government is corrupt, incompetent, and should be disbanded and sent home forever. The American people need and deserve a “do-over.”

All three branches of government are composed primarily of old, white, men. There are a few token Black men like Clarence Thomas who are considered “Uncle Toms.” Together they have caused more damage to our nation’s people than all natural disasters, the attacks on Pearl Harbor, multiple Wars, and the cowardly attacks on 9/11 combined.

Last November 5th, uninformed and uncaring voters chose a very old, obese, mentally deficient white man to lead our nation for the next four years, or longer if he is allowed to destroy democracy once and for all.

You can try to ignore the truth but you won’t succeed. The government of the United States is the least qualified, and most corrupt of all developed nations. Once elected, every one of the men and women in Washington ignore their duties, responsibilities, and their promises and place their personal needs and ambitions in priority number one.

It is easy to understand why all governments support fascism over democracies. Elections require some work and lots of lies. To be a democratic society all of the time is difficult. Constant vigilance, maintaining a strong moral compass, always doing the right thing, and listening to the voters who elect our leaders are the major responsibilities of all 546 men and women who are given the privilege of making decisions about the future of all 330+ million American people. It may not be something you think about, but that very small number, 546, includes the president, vice-president, nine Supreme Court justices, 435 members of the House, and 100 Senators. When any branch of our government refuses to place the quality of life in priority number one, our nation’s future is in great danger. Currently, all three branches are controlled by men and women who never think about how their actions harm the majority. Their only concern is how their actions affect themselves.

If I sound pessimistic, it’s because I am. I have learned much in my 78 years, 68 of which I followed politics to some degree. What I see now has no resemblance to the government I witnessed for most of my life. Government has never been perfect, and in most cases not even “good.” America is far from a “great country.” However, in the past, thoughtful deliberation and compromise moved our nation forwards. This does not happen today. This is the first step to a fascist regime. The second step was choosing a Fuhrer. That happened on November 5th.

May my America R.I.P.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Source: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/11/18/2287136/-Trump-confirms-plans-to-use-the-military-on-American-soil?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web



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