Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


Okay, I let it out. Hopefully this is the last of my negative emotions today. It’s my own fault. I read too much. Few things affect me deeply. I refuse to be lied to. Once someone, anyone, lies to me, the relationship is over. Whether it be friend or family, earning my respect is equal to my ability to give unrestricted love. Last, but not least, I abhor anyone who chooses ignorance over fact. I call them “idiots.”


This is the term I now use to describe Trump’s political party, his cult, fake newspersons, anyone who supports Trump in 2024.




I consider myself an informed, intelligent voter. Political party affiliation will never be a factor. First and foremost, my choice is based on the issues most important to me and those I love. I research the candidates and select the one most closely aligned with my needs and wishes. Secondly, he or she must possess a sincere sense of morality and compassion for his or her fellow man. Last, and equally important to the first two is a willingness to serve his or her constituents.


These are the reasons I call anyone who offers their loyalty to Trump an “idiot.”




All elected officials are technically public servants. Their only purpose is to serve the electorate. Those who seek a life in public service must cast aside their personal feelings and ambitions, and place the needs and wishes of the American people ahead of their own ambitions.


It is evident to anyone possessing common sense that Trump is not a politician, he is an opportunist. His reasons for seeking reelection are purely personal. He has no interest in becoming the President of the United States, a job which requires deep devotion to his or her country and each of its 330+ million people. The ambitions of Donald John Trump are not included anywhere in a list of reasons to offer your precious vote to a recently convicted felon. His most important reason for seeking election is the ability to pardon himself.


Trump’s loyalty is to Trump, and a handful of individuals who offer him praise and worship constantly, feeding his disease defined as malignant narcissism.




Fact: Trump is a pathological liar. His entire persona is composed of lies. Fact checkers revealed that by the end of his first year as your illegitimate president, beginning in 2015 with his entry into the 2016 election, that he told as many as 50,000 lies in front of the camera or with the use of Twitter.


Fact: A little research, easily available to anyone who cares, proves that Trump is a lifelong criminal. His crimes include fraud, bribery, falsification of legal documents, sexual assault, and on May 30, 2024, he was convicted on all 34 counts for falsification of business records, related to hush money paid to an adult film star, preventing damaging information from becoming available to the voting public.

Fact: Trump is a self-proclaimed sexual predator. He bragged about sexual assault on the Access Hollywood Tapes.


He has been married three times, and had extramarital affairs during each marriage.


One of his closest friends was Jeffry Epstein. Years ago, after Trump attended one of Epstein’s parties, a 13-year-old girl accused Trump of sexually assaulting her. She claimed that he slapped her in the face when she resisted. It was never investigated


Fact: Trump is a self-proclaimed sexual predator. He bragged about sexual assault on the Access Hollywood tapes. He has been married three times. It is an undeniable fact that he engaged in extramarital affairs while married to each woman.


Fact: Your former, illegitimate president committed treason on January 6, 2021. He organized, planned, and executed an attempted coup. He is also a traitor for violating the Espionage Act. Trump stole multiple boxes of national secrets for his personal use on January 20, 2021, and lied about the fact to the FBI.


Fact: The Trump administration failed to accomplish anything for all Americans in four years. His only “accomplishment” was giving huge tax cuts to the super-rich.


Fact: Although President Biden has an “8” at the beginning of his age, and Trump a “7,” they are virtually the same age. However the facts prove that Trump is physically and mentally older than Mr. Biden. Who falls asleep at their own criminal trial constantly? Who drives his golf cart onto a green because he cannot or will not walk?


Final Fact: If you vote for Trump, you are an idiot.


Op-ed by James Turnage


Please tell everyone to follow my blog: “TheWiseOldFart,” because the truth lives here


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