I am Very Angry

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

For 78 years I thought I had grown up in a country where principles, morals, and things as simple as the truth and doing the right thing were as American as loving your mother, apple pie, and patriotism.

However, since 2017, I have watched all the values which define what it is to be an American spit on and flushed down the toilet by every man and woman who calls themselves a Republican in Washington.

It is an undeniable fact that Trump is not the chairman of the GOP, he is in fact a dictator. With free thought forbidden from anyone on the right side of the aisle, whatever Trump demands from his minions is automatic. Because Trump is clearly a fascist devoted to the leader of another nation, he cannot claim his American citizenship. By association, this applies to his party.


The largest percentage of Republican’s voting base has been baby boomers for more than four decades. My generation is rapidly becoming extinct. This is a major problem because they have no other group which guarantees their loyalty in every election. The largest voting block is now millennials. The second is women. Neither of these two groups define themselves as “Republicans.” Black voters are clearly in support of Kamala Harris. Hispanic voters are divided, but the majority call themselves Democrats.

Because of these irrefutable facts, they are desperate, even more so now that Kamala Harris if poised to soundly defeat Donald Trump.

Lies, baseless conspiracy theories, and name-calling are the only tools they possess. The best the right-wing had to offer in the last three presidential elections is Trump. Not once in three campaigns has he ever discussed the issues important to most Americans. He preaches anger, hatred, revenge, and how badly he has been treated by real Americans.


Once again, I claim that Trump is not an American. In fact, he hates everything which defines America. As your illegitimate president, he violated the Constitution daily, failed to perform his primary responsibility when he was informed about a coronavirus coming from the east, tried to overturn his own government, and stole national secrets for his own benefit. These are simply the “highlights” of his four years pretending to be your president.

Much of the harm caused by Trump between 2017 and 2021 cannot be repaired. He remains the greatest threat to the future of our nation.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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