If You Want to Feel Safe in America, Take Action Now

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

Domestic terrorism is the greatest danger to life in America today. Our worthless and corrupt government refuses to take any action against the NRA gun lobby, because campaign donations are more important to them than human life. 

This is one major issue which could be solved in a few days, but profits for gun manufacturers and gun sellers take priority over the safety of the American people.  

This week all doubt was removed about which lobby owns the legislative and judicial branches of our government. Republicans in the House and Senate ignored a number of mass shootings. In Washington, the Supreme Court struck down a law banning bump stocks. Bowing to the fascist and heartless NRA is a clear statement from right-wing politicians: “you don’t matter to us.” 


Senate Democrats attempted to pass a law which would override the decision by a right-wing biased Court. The law would have banned an accessory for assault rifles which convert them into machine guns. However, in deference to the NRA, cowardly Republicans blocked the bill and encouraged more deadly mass shootings in our nation.  

I fail to understand why a single “Republican” wins an election. They constantly vote against the needs and wishes of most Americans. 


Very subtly the United States has moved from a capitalistic society to a plutocracy: rule by the super-rich. It is clear that 813 billionaires control the future of 330 million people. Now, here’s a fact which will explain many things which are happening today. A plutocracy cannot be sustained in a democracy. Only a dictatorial fascist regime can protect America’s greedy billionaires.  

Over more than 40 years the changes in or nation have become clear and disturbing. Our government abandoned its basic requirement, to serve the majority, and began its support for special interests, most significantly the super-rich. 

For all right-wing politicians the quality of life for most Americans is of little importance. They work for themselves. Power and wealth are their only goals.  


If you care about the safety of those you love, you can force change. You can call, e-mail, or get on social media and threaten your representatives and senators with what frightens them most. Tell them that if they continue to do nothing about domestic terrorism via gun violence in America, you will vote against their reelection campaigns and ask everyone you know to do the same.  

George W. Bush spoke to the television cameras and said ten words which apply to the relationship between Republicans and the American people: “if you are not with us, you are against us.” 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

My novels are available on Amazon 


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