
Showing posts from July, 2024

I Love These Two Suggestions About What President Biden Should Do as the First King of the United States

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I offered my own suggestions about what Mr. Biden Should do now that the Supreme Court confirmed that a president is indeed a king. However, Alumbrados, writing for the Daily Kos, offered two ideas which I supported 40 years ago. First, repeal the Electoral College, and allow the people to choose their president. Every vote should count, and if the popular vote was the only number which counted, Republicans would never win a presidential election. Second, declare voting day a national holiday. This, too, would be death for Republicans. The turnout could be historical, and the facts reveal that when a large number of voters cast their ballots, Democrats win almost every election. This is why red states continue to pass laws in support of voter suppression. MR. BIDEN COULD GUARANTEE HIMSELF A VICTORY IN NOVEMBER Democratic politicians refuse to forgive the President’s poor performance last Thursday. After Mr. Biden’s energetic and uplifting performance d

I Will Continue to Support President Biden for All the Right Reasons

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I am disgusted with progressives who are panicking. The President is not going to withdraw, so shut the f**k up and stand up to the traitors on the right side of the aisle. Those of you who want him to end his campaign are helping Trump. This reminds me of 2016 when a group of Bernie Sanders’ supporters who were angry about Hillary Clinton winning the nomination, refused to vote for Hillary, and most voted for Jill Stein. In essence, all they did was take votes away from the most qualified candidate in history, and give them to Trump. Very, very stupid. We must unite: Trump cannot be allowed to destroy what’s left of our country. I HAVE MANY REASONS WHY BIDEN IS THE ONLY CANDIDATE WORTHY OF OUR VOTES First and foremost, no American should vote for the man who is not loyal to America. Trump told us he will not be the president for anyone who does not support him. That number is greater than one-half of all of our nation’s people. Secondly, his loyalty is to Putin


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart On Monday, July 1, 2024, an extremely corrupt Supreme Court took extraordinary action to aid Donald Trump’s hopes for winning the presidency. The 2016 election was rigged for Trump, and it’s happening again in 2024. The Court’s decision to give our presidents more power by placing them above the law, will be the final blow to the future of a free and democratic America. Our Founding Fathers made it perfectly clear that their creation of a Democratic Republic, with three “separate but equal branches,” therefore establishing a “check and balance system,” had a single purpose: to prevent any president from becoming a monarch or autocrat. This biased Court, with a 6-3 majority, destroyed their dream and gave fascists on the right side of the aisle an opportunity to rule over 330 million people. If the world ends on November 5 th with the election of Donald “Big Adolf” Trump, you will have had your last opportunity to vote in a free and fair election. I could lose m

Giuliani Disbarred: Trump Remains Unpunished

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   If you bust you r ass for an old, obese, white man with a much bigger ass, you will lose everything of value, while he remains unscathed.   This is a pattern for those who serve the worst man in the world.   Donald Trump cares for no one but himself. He demands absolute loyalty, but offers none in return.   The first in a long line of suckers, (Trump’s term), was the former senator from Alabama, Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions. He offered his devotion to Trump in 2015, the first member of the Republican Party to do so. Although the mainstream media refused to re port the facts, Sessions became a go-between for Trump and his handler, Vladimir Putin during the 2016 campaign .   After Trump was declared the winner in a rigged election, Sessions begged the illegitimate president-elect for a position in the White House.   Sessions became Trump’s first Attorney General. However, when he refused Trump’s unrealistic demand to fire the special prosecutor, R obert

Why is No One Talking About Trump’s Obvious Dementia?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   First, we have proof beginning in 2015 that Trump suffers from malignant narcissism. If you doubt the opinions of health professionals, read the definition.   Malignant Narcissism: “ a psychological syndrome that's a severe and potentially dangerous form of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).  It's characterized by a mix of narcissism, antisocial behavior, sadism, and paranoia. People with malignant narcissism may have an inflated sense of self-worth, a need for admiration, and a disregard for others. They may also be manipulative, aggressive, and abusive without remorse.”   Trump is undeniably  the poster boy for this mental disorder. If you’ve ever listened to a few minutes of one of his speeches at a hate ral ly, he covers every sentence and every word contained in the definition.   So why is the media covering the few moments in the debate when the President faltered?   DOES THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA SUPPORT TRUMP?   Trump has been mentally il