
Showing posts from July, 2024

Censorship Always Fails, Education Will Succeed

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart For those of us who follow politics in Washington closely, it is clear that some politicians are just plain stupid. They understand nothing about human nature or how certain actions which failed decades in the past continue to resurface with the same results. One of these mistakes is an attempt to censor information, whether it be factual or nothing more than lies or conspiracy theories. In today’s world, if anyone seeks information about any subject it is not difficult to find, regardless of the efforts of some governments to hide the truth. BOTH AMERICA’S EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AND PARENTS MUST DO THE WORK There is no need for discussion about how critical the development of children between their preteen and teenage years into adulthood has become in the 21 st century. Although it has always been critical, in the age of unlimited information, based on fact or based on falsehood, what our children read or watch on television is confusing and all too often dangero...

Do We Need the Supreme Court?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The current Supreme Court is corrupt and useless to the American people. Five men and one woman are unfit to sit on our nation’s highest Court. They spend every minute overturning decisions by previous and legitimate Supreme Courts and lower courts which failed to serve the wishes of right-wing politicians. They proved their bias in support of fascist presidential candidate, Donald Trump when they granted him absolute immunity. They ignored the fact that the men who wrote the Constitution took great effort to prevent a monarch or dictator from ruling the New Nation. Our next “president” could be our last. Considering these irrefutable facts, do we need a Supreme Court? FACT: CONSIDERING THE BIAS OF THIS COURT, OUR NATION WOULD BE BETTER WITHOUT IT It is clear that many of the decisions from lower appeals courts protect the intent of the Constitution, while six members of the highest Court in the land continue to remake laws in favor or the American Fascist Party...

Trump has “No Game,” but Kamala Harris Does

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you wondered how Kamala Harris would stand up to Trump, worry no more, she’s destroying the old, obese buffoon. While Trump continues to reveal a severe decline in his mental abilities, Vice-President Harris is hitting him where it hurts. The confirmed malignant narcissist is feeling huge pain in his inflated ego. Ms. Harris is labeling Trump as “old and weird.” She is not wrong, my wife calls him weird all the time. Other than the fact that he is an enemy to the future of my country, I see him as a 78-year-old spoiled child in need of constant attention and validation. I almost feel sorry for the third time Republican nominee. It is obvious that he is too old and totally unfit to lead all 330 million people. His only defense for his obvious failures was that President Biden is older than he. However, Ms. Harris is nearly 20 years younger at 59. It is already clear that she is far more intelligent, and in far better physical condition than her opponent. Most ...

“I Don’t Know How to Think, That’s Why I’m a Republican”

Op-ed by James Turnage The Party of Lincoln began a slow death in 1981. When Ronald Reagan became our 40 th president, he met with party leaders and made a single demand: absolute loyalty. His policies and vision for our nation were to be supported unconditionally, Dissent would not be tolerated, and if this demand was not accepted, their future elections would not be supported by him and every other Republican. This policy continued throughout the administrations of George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump. Insiders claim that most Republicans despise Trump, but fear losing votes from his cult. The sad truth is this oath to serve their party’s leader removes the First Amendment rights of all Republican politicians. America is all about the exchange of ideas and without free thought, and dissent, fascism has become an acceptable inclusion into the platform of today’s fake Republican Party. “Democrats never agree on anything, that's why they're Democrats. If they agre...

The Supreme Court Must Be Held Accountable

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The Supreme Court of the United States is America’s monarchy. With lifetime appointments and no way to remove a justice from office other than the impeachment process, the nine members sitting in control of our nation’s future are virtually “bulletproof.” President Biden has a solution which I continue to strongly support. OUR FOUNDING FATHERS WERE NOT INFALLIBLE Most democracies have either term limits or mandatory retirement age requirements. Our Founding Father’s intent was to prevent a need for political involvement by removing the need to win elections. Northeastern law professor Michael Meltsner, who specializes in the Supreme Court, said the intent was to insulate justices from partisan politics. “That was put into the Constitution to preserve the total independence of the judiciary,” said Meltsner, the George J. and Kathleen Waters Matthews Distinguished University Professor of Law. “Once a justice is confirmed and takes a seat on the court, they’re not ...

Democrats Stop Playing Nice, and Pete Buttigieg is Leading the Way

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Pete Buttigieg has never been shy about appearing on Fox. He was on the right-wing’s propaganda tool Sunday, and he didn’t play nice; he told the truth. As the right-wing begins its baseless attacks on Kamala Harris, Democrats have found the courage to do the right thing and tell it like it is. This time he told the truth directly to Fox’ viewers. "The idea that somebody hasn't been tested or vetted when they have been vice president of the United States for nearly four years just doesn't make any sense. [Harris] is in obviously one of the most visible leadership roles in the country and she’s demonstrated both her effectiveness in that job and a vision for the country that Americans agree with. And that’s the real reason I think she’s going to win." HILLARY WAS THE MOST QUALIFIED PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE IN HISTORY In 2016, the greatest contrast between the two presidential candidates was simple: Hillary Clinton was the most qualified candidate ...

President Biden’s Wednesday Evening Speech the Epitome of the Word “Class”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Wednesday evening was historic. Not since Lyndon Johnson in 1968 had a sitting president qualified for reelection removed himself from his party’s ticket. President Biden offered his reasons for ending his campaign for reelection in an act of pure class I seldom see in Washington. "Nowhere else on Earth could a kid with a stutter from modest beginnings in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Claymont, Delaware, one day sit behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office as the President of the United States. Here I am." This was the beginning of his speech. He went on to explain that his decision was motivated by one belief, it was the right thing to do for his country. 52 YEARS OF SERVICE TO HIS COUNTRY IS ENOUGH TO ASK FROM ANY MAN OR WOMAN President Biden began his distinguished career in 1972, becoming the junior Senator from Delaware. He is the youngest person ever to be elected to the Senate. His 30 th birthday, the required age for a Senator, ca...

Republicans for Harris?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In 1980 it is fair to say that Reagan won the election with the assistance of “crossover Democrats.” This is how voters break down by party affiliation or none in 2024. Of all registered voters, 32 percent claim to be Republicans, 33 percent Democrats, and 35 percent Independents. Simple mathematics reveals that the winner will be decided by Independents unless a significant crossover vote is registered by one of the two major parties. AN EVEN LARGER WIN FOR HARRIS THAN BIDEN IN 2020? The media is reporting a percentage of Republicans have chosen to vote for Democrat Kamala Harris now that President Biden stepped away from his campaign for reelection. Without Biden in the race for the White House, a growing number of Republicans revealed their displeasure with Trump’s legal problems and his proposed Project 2025, and announced their support for the Vice-President. The Villages is the largest retirement home in the United States. Traditionally this community is a...

Did a Red State Governor Kill Someone You Loved?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Supporting Donald Trump’s moronic ideas and policies can cost you your life. According to health experts, Trump is directly responsible for at least 10,000 of the more than one million American deaths related to Covid-19. Their allegations are based on the undeniable fact that the worst president in history failed to take action in December of 2019 when he was informed of an approaching healthcare emergency. He continued to ignore the coming pandemic, telling the American people, “We are better prepared, and it will just go away.” Governors in red states took Trump’s words seriously and failed to enforce suggested preventative actions to save lives issued by the CDC. “As many as one-quarter of a million Americans died simply because their state governments refused to impose good public health standards. They died as appeasements to the twin gods of ignorance and politics.” Daily Kos BEING UNAWARE OF FACTS IS ACCEPTABLE, BUT CHOOSING TO IGNORE THEM IS NOT I am no...

Trump is Running Scared, and Reveals that his Mind has Moved Elsewhere

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart On Friday evening Trump was attending a conservative Christian event. To no one’s surprise, he pandered to Christians, although his only “god” is money. But it’s what he said that revealed his fear of losing in November, and the fact that what is left of his mind is in serious decline. Trump demonstrated his alliance with Project 2025 which offers a plan to make Christianity the only viable religion in America. He hinted at another plan to establish himself as a fascist Fuhrer. "Christians get out and vote. Just this time," he urged. "You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It'll be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore my beautiful Christians." If any of this sounds “presidential to you,” I would literally have my head examined. Trump, who is a lifetime loser, is very afraid of losing the November election to a woman. As a sexist, a sexual predator, and a man who fears strong, intellige...

Let Me Explain Something to You, Donny Boy, Rioting is not Protesting

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The First Amendment was considered critical to the establishment of a country founded on freedom and basic human rights. It is the foundation for a Democratic Republic which encourages input by all of its people. Before Thomas Jefferson and James Madison wrote the First Amendment, he considered four precepts critical to freedom for all. 1. Freedom of conscience is an unalienable right because people can only think for themselves. 2. Free speech makes representatives accountable to We the People. 3. Free speech is necessary for the discovery of truth and the rejection of falsehood. 4. Free speech allows the public discussion necessary for democratic self-government.  To refresh your memory, read our Founding Father’s final draft. [Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the...

America Cannot Afford Its Current Failed Healthcare Situation

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Republicans continue to cost our nation billions and possibly trillions of dollars every year. Their allegiance to the super-rich and large corporations saves them money but wastes hundreds of billions of dollars by preventing changes in our healthcare system which continues to fail as many as 80-90 percent of our nation’s people. Republicans want to reserve the best healthcare in America for their wealthy supporters and themselves. Remember, you pay for theirs. FACTS REPUBLICANS DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW [ The United States spends more on healthcare per person than any other high-income country, and more than the governments of six countries with universal healthcare combined: In 2022, the U.S. spent $12,555 per person on healthcare, which is more than $4,000 more than comparable countries. The U.S. government also spent more on healthcare than the governments of Germany, France, the U.K., Italy, Spain, and Austria combined.] Taking into account both the costs of ...

Kamala Harris Stands up to Another Bully

o Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is the primary reason why peace does not exist in the Middle East. He has refused to honestly discuss a solution to the unnecessary enmity between the Israeli and Palestinian people since his first term as Prime Minister in 1996. When the terrorist group Hamas murdered 364 Israelis on October 7, 2023, taking 40 more hostages, no one could find fault with Netanyahu’s intention to retaliate and hopefully rescue innocent victims taken during the massacre. MS. HARRIS EXPRESSES HER OPINION However, the attacks on Gaza have caused the deaths of more than 39,000 mostly innocent civilians, and displaced more than 2.3 million. Israel’s targets include hospitals and schools. This is not retaliation for his nation’s suffering, it looks more like genocide. After an angry speech before Congress, and a meeting with President Biden and Vice-President Harris Thursday, Netanyahu met with Trump on Friday at his trashy, white resort/ho...

Sorry Fake Republicans, Your Hypocrisy is Showing

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart All across America Republicans are placing blatant lies on your television. They claim that criminals, rapists, and escapees from insane asylums are rushing into the United States in big numbers. They make these baseless claims while showing films from other events not related in any way to immigration. They are composed of nothing but bullshit. Trump and his fake Republicans have no weapons with which they can attack Kamala Harris. In desperation, they are attacking her for being weak on border control. Sorry, my one-time Republican friends, but I have sworn to tell the truth. REPUBLICANS DON’T CARE ABOUT IMMIGRATION REFORM Republicans are liars and right-wing extremists, who have no interest in immigration reform. They serve Trump, not their country. Recently, President Biden and Vice-President Harris worked across the aisle to pass legislation designed to protect our borders, Border Control agents lauded the agreement. However, the obstructionists in the Hous...

This Republican, “Do Nothing Congress,” is Taking a Long Summer Vacation

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart A government shutdown could happen at the end of September. Twelve bills were scheduled to come up for a vote within a week. However, Speaker Mike Johnson and his fellow Freedom Caucus cronies decided to cancel next week’s work schedule and begin their six-week summer vacation. What a job: collect a paycheck and do nothing for it. To date, the 118 th Congress has passed just 70 bills. The average is 200-600 per year. Not only are Republicans incompetent, they refuse to make their own decisions. Trump controls the Freedom Caucus, and tells them how to vote. Non-Freedom Caucus members bow to their demands. AMERICA’S GOVERNMENT IS THE MOST CORRUPT IN THE FREE WORLD Only the worst Supreme Court in American history is exempt from the election process. Big mistake. The other 537 government officials in Washington are elected, public servants. The duties of the President, Vice-President, 100 Senators, and 435 members of the House are to serve the needs and wishes of t...

In North Carolina, Trump Proves Once Again how Quickly he has Become Mentally Unfit for the Presidency

    Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Every time he speaks in public, Trump reveals the obvious; he is a 78-year-old-man experiencing a serious decline in his mental abilities. He displays growing confusion when attacking uniquely different individuals, mixing up the details. This happened most recently in his first hate rally since Kamala Harris became the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate. A FEEBLE OLD MAN VS A COMPETENT AND ENERGETIC WOMAN While speaking to his cult in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Wednesday, Trump apparently confused Kamala Harris, and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, among others. The following are a few of his disjointed and unintelligible remarks. Believing he was talking about “radical” Kamala Harris: “And you know, they’re talking about, he was talking about, she was talking about re—lifting the retirement age,” Trump said. Only, that policy is not part of Harris’s platform. It was a part of Haley’s, though. Appearing to fo...