Censorship Always Fails, Education Will Succeed

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart For those of us who follow politics in Washington closely, it is clear that some politicians are just plain stupid. They understand nothing about human nature or how certain actions which failed decades in the past continue to resurface with the same results. One of these mistakes is an attempt to censor information, whether it be factual or nothing more than lies or conspiracy theories. In today’s world, if anyone seeks information about any subject it is not difficult to find, regardless of the efforts of some governments to hide the truth. BOTH AMERICA’S EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AND PARENTS MUST DO THE WORK There is no need for discussion about how critical the development of children between their preteen and teenage years into adulthood has become in the 21 st century. Although it has always been critical, in the age of unlimited information, based on fact or based on falsehood, what our children read or watch on television is confusing and all too often dangero...