Fact: Trump has never accomplished one thing through his own efforts in 78 ½ years. However, he is very good at “undoing” great things. The label Trump has earned is “regressive.”

If the last two weeks are indicative of what is happening to our government, the United States will be less significant than Lithuania but with a huge and unnecessary army within his first six illegitimate months in office.

Trump and Musk, with guidance from Putin, are destroying everything which made America a respected nation.

After studying Project 2025 and Mein Kampf, Musk and Trump learned how to destroy a country from within and remake it in their own twisted image. I have no doubt that Putin has been of great assistance to the two traitors.

The easiest way to destroy a country is by removing everything it stands for. This is exactly what is contained in the modern day fascist manifesto, the 922-page Project 2025. Although Trump lied during the 2024 campaign, claiming that he knew nothing about it, every idea originated during one of his hate rallies.

Project 2025 will undo every advancement in what has become known as the “American way of life” from the Franklin Delano Roosevelt presidency until the end of the Biden administration. It is 100 percent destructive and regressive.

Trump’s second illegitimate term will be a continuation of the first disastrous four years between 2017 and 2021, and new atrocities committed today with the assistance of Elon Musk.

One thing I have learned, and not reported by the mainstream media, is that Trump’s mental abilities are in steep decline. He is obviously experiencing senility and advancing dementia. Therefore, it is a justifiable assumption that Musk is running the country. This is horrific. Musk was born and raised in South Africa. He is not an elected official. He has no security clearance. And he is an enemy of the American working class: an oligarch.

Musk had one success in his life: Tesla. His electric car business in losing money now that his focus is on the destruction of America’s future. He proved his lack of intellect when he purchased Twitter and ran it into the red immediately.  

With a cabinet and leaders of critical agencies which are of great importance to our nation’s future in the hands of the least qualified men and women in the world.

Trump’s decisions are part payback, and partly intentional, His orders are to create chaos and fear in the hearts of the American people. So far, it’s not working.

There are displays of anger and even hatred for Trump and Musk in every city in America. I have no doubt that many of the people who voted for him are now realizing that he is a liar and cannot be trusted. His focus has been on revenge and serving our country’s useless and greedy 756 oligarchs/billionaires. All of whom support the worst illegitimate president in our nation’s history.

Have no illusions. Everyone in Washington is aware that the 2024 election was rigged by Putin again. However, they will never tell the truth: they never have, and will not begin to in 2025. If we can’t trust our government, and I do not, and free and fair elections continue, all incumbents will be voted out of office. We, the people, will set our own term limits. If our elected officials do not perform in their first term, it’s one and done.

This is a revolution. I hope you will join all patriots and fight against the tyranny of Trump, Musk, Putin, and the American Fascist Party created by Trump in 2017.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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