“You Broke it, Now You Have to Pay for It”

The title of this article is an old adage or saying, and it’s true in most of the shops in which people search for items they wish to purchase. However, this refers to MAGA Republicans who continue to choose ignorance over facts and reality. They voted for Trump, and now they will be the first to suffer from their mistakes. Trump was the worst president in history between 2017 and 2021, according to presidential historians. Do they believe that he will be better in 2025? No one can be that stupid, unless you are an uninformed American voter who “learns everything they need to know from television.” Regardless of how uninformed most voters are in America, anyone who spends even a small amount of time reading about politics must be aware of some of the many reasons Trump should not be president or hold any office in government at any level. If the electorate refused to choose ignorance over fact, Trump would never have received more than 10 percent of the vote. ...