Universal “Qualities” Attributed to All Right-Wing Politicians: Cruelty, Stupidity, and Hypocrisy


 I was reading an article in the Daily Kos this morning. It literally mirrored my evaluation of all right-wing politicians over the last nine years. An article by Bill Addis began with the truth.

[Everything and all things relating to Trump start with cruelty and stupidity and end in hypocrisy.

[In the Trump era, the Republicans have gone out of their way to change their minds because when a Democrat does it, it's an outrage. When it's a Republican, it's business as usual.]

If you are a history buff, you know when this all began and these policies were instrumental in the demise of the once Grand Old Party. In 1981, Ronald Reagan refused to allow any Republican politician to have free thought and any opinion other than his own. Loyalty and unity were demanded by the actor turned president.

After the Republican Party took its final breaths on January 19, 2017, there has been no dissent within Trump’s American Fascist Party. However, that may change in the coming months. Trump is not allowed to serve another term, but right-wing politicians will be fighting to retain their “cushy jobs,” where little work is required but the benefits are many.

The truth is, the men and women who call themselves “Republicans” are the greatest enemy facing working-class Americans. Their support for the super-rich is undeniable. They are complicit in “Greedflation.” The conditions which cause inflation never existed during President Biden’s administration. All Republicans in name only have adopted Trump’s tactics of “lie and lie again until ignorant voters accept it as fact,” and “regardless of how grievous a situation might be, blame it on someone else.” And one more: “attack anyone who tells the truth about your incompetence and your crimes. Misdirect the facts and the uninformed will accept your lies.”

Finally, take a close look at the men and women Trump has chosen for his administration. They are the Washington Mafia 2.0, composed of criminals, racists, fascists, bigots, and sexual predators.

What’s wrong with this picture? Everything.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Please follow my blog and enjoy my novels on Amazon’s Kindle

Source: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/12/29/2291775/-Hypocrisy-is-the-Republican-Way-of-Life?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web


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