Gaetz is a Huge Creep: (Who Would Have Thought It?)

The House reneged on its past policies and decided not to hide the ethics investigation into Matt Gaetz actions, claiming “for reasons of national security.” He is far worse than anyone would have believed. His drug use is far more pervasive than we were led to believe. He spent huge amounts of money paying for sex. Not only did he frequently have sex with young, underage women, he transported some across state lines. One more thing which confirms the idiocy of the people of Florida. They elected and reelected the criminal. In January, with their “Don” returning to the White House, the Washington Mafia will be intact.

Never, never forget that your “stable genius” president nominated a man without morals and principles for the office of our country’s top law enforcement officer.

The big question is the same question real Americans ask about Donald Trump: why are they not in a federal holding cell awaiting trial for their many crimes.

I know of cases where law enforcement uses the slimmest possible interpretation of the law to charge men and women for their alleged crimes. However, our government is doing the opposite: using certain words, and controversial interpretations to allow political figures to remain above the law. Washington is clearly the “City of Corruption” in the 21st century. My motto in 2024 is “trust no one in a position of power.”

I offer you a short list of politicians who were never fairly punished for their crimes.

Harry Truman for his war crimes against the innocent citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Richard Nixon. Authorized a burglary to help his reelection campaign.

Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush for their involvement in the Iran-Contra scandal.

Newt Gingrich. Originally charged with 12 felonies, but was allowed to resign and all charges were dropped.

Dennis Hastert. Another former Speaker of the House. He confessed to the sexual assault of young males prior to his political career.

Bill Clinton for violating the ethics clause and lying to congress.

George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld for war crimes and lying about their reasons for invading Iraq.

Which brings me to Donald Trump. He was guilty for his collusion with Vladimir Putin in the 2016 election to become your illegitimate president. Every day over four years he violated the Emoluments Clause among many other Constitutional violations. I watched him commit treason on January 6, 2021. He also violated the Espionage Act with the theft of secret documents. There were many more crimes, but the list is too long to include in this short article.

Vladimir Putin committed a declaration of war when he interfered in our 2016, 2020, and 2024 elections. No one in Washington seems to care.

Trump, with the assistance of Moscow Mitch McConnell completed the corruption of all three branches of government with the appointment of three unqualified, and politically biased candidates: Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. On the bench already were two of the most extreme and corrupt men in any federal agency, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Thomas and Alito are openly supporters of Trump and his fascist party.

Gaetz is not a Republican, he is a member of the Freedom Caucus. These 40+ individuals share policies which are so far to the right they cannot be called anything other than fascists.

Gaetz is an example of today’s fake Republican Party. The truth is that the GOP ceased to exist on January 20, 2017. What began in 1981 was completed when our nation’s first anti-American was inaugurated and allowed to defile the White House.

Every man and woman sitting on the right side of the aisle lied when they took their oaths of office. They sought public office for personal gain. They do not serve all 340 million people, and they will not “preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” They are the enemy.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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