Synonyms: House of Representatives and Obstructionists

How can we prove that the House of Representatives is dysfunctional? The Freedom Caucus is in control.

In January of 2015, a small group of right-wing extremists calling themselves the Freedom Caucus took control of the House of Representatives. There are 435 members in the House, and right-wing extremists control the majority and have since January 3, 2022. Although the misnamed Freedom Caucus only has about 42 members, they are so extreme in support of their fascist leader, Donald Trump, cowardly moderate Republicans surrender to the demands of the few in a sad display of misguided loyalty.

You know some of their names: Mike Johnson, Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Paul Gosar, and until recently, Matt Gaetz. Knowing these woefully unqualified members of the House are part of this fascist-leaning group gives you some insight into the lack of integrity, morals, and true patriotism among these 40+ individuals.

With the Freedom Caucus radicals in control, the fewest number of bills have been passed into law in history over the last few years. Not one of these extremists is concerned with performing the jobs for which they were elected. Of course, mostly to blame are the voters in districts from which these morons run for election. They must be the dumbest people in America.

It is the Freedom Caucus that is at the center of right-wing obstructionism in Washington. They refuse to deliberate the important issues with Democrats or more moderate members of their own party. These are “Trump’s people:” liars, criminals, egomaniacs, and self-righteous men and women who lack any and all ability to think intelligently or for themselves.

Over the last 43 years those who call themselves “Republicans” have become the enemy. They have been bought and paid for by America’s billionaires many times. They accomplish little or nothing, but that is not their concern. What matters to them is their party’s motto; “profit before people.”

Op-ed by James Turnage

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