21 Days from Today, January 20, 2025, America Will Experience Another Dark Day

21 days from today, America will experience another first. An old, obese, mentally unstable, white man who is not a patriotic American, but is a convicted felon, and a confirmed sexual predator, who committed treason and violated the Espionage Act will become our nation’s 47th president. I am not a proud American today, and I will be ashamed on January 20, 2025.

What I will remember most about this unbelievable situation is how our nation lost its most important branch of government on October 27, 2020, when the last of three politically biased Supreme Court Justices was sworn in. I will remember how another traitor to the Constitution, Moscow Mitch McConnell, broke his own rule and stacked the Court in favor of right-wing extremism. Among this Court’s ethical violations was declaring that a president was above the law and immune from prosecution, regardless of the severity of his or her crimes. America is now a nation without laws for every citizen. The term “two Americas” has a new meaning in 2024.

I offer you a huge reality: trust no one who has power over your life. Every man and woman who pretends to serve our nation’s people in Washington is lying to you directly or by hiding the truth with half-truths and misdirection.

It makes me sad to write this, but the facts are undeniable. All law enforcement and a large portion of our military are racists and misogynists. Although they attempt to cover up reality, events reported online in America and around the world confirm the truth.

Evangelicals prove that most religious leaders are hypocrites. They do not believe their own words. Wealth and power over others are their ambitions. Remember, after all of his crimes and sins were revealed for everyone to see, Evangelical leaders continued to offer their support for Donald Trump in all three elections.

America ceased to be a country in the late 20th century. It is a business which places profits ahead of its people. It is clear to me and many other political writers that the government of the United States is the most corrupt in the world. Politicians on both sides of the aisle cover-up crimes committed by fellow professional politicians. Their most frequent tactic is telling the public that they cannot divulge certain information because of “national security.”

We, the people, are the United States of America. We have a right to know the truth about everything. The truth is often hidden from the people because the fourth estate no longer exists. The mainstream media is as corrupt as our government.

I have suspicions about many things which happened during the 2024 campaign season, including the reported assassination attempt against Trump. However, my greatest doubts are about the election itself. The reported results defy logic and counteract the facts leading up to the election. With every passing day I find reasons to believe that the results were a huge fraud perpetrated on our nation by Vladimir Putin who colluded with Trump and his party to end democracy in America.

I will leave you with a few thoughts. How could the most hated man in America have won the popular vote when he was crushed in two previous elections? How could he have won all seven swing states when his rallies grew smaller, and Kamala Harris’ grew larger? Although the FBI confirmed that Putin was once again interfering in our election, those warnings were issued early in 2024. I never read a single explanation for their statements throughout the remainder of the year. Did he use the best hackers in the world to alter the outcome recorded in voting machines in key states?

Remember, after the 2016 election, it was confirmed that Trump and Putin had indeed conspired to win the Electoral College on November 8th.

On January 20, 2025 I will not be celebrating, I will be in mourning for the country I once loved and respected.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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