Supreme Court to Blame for Increased Racism and Sexism

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Trump’s stacked Supreme Court is not deciding the relationship between laws and regulations and the Constitution, it is rewriting laws as it strikes down decisions made by legitimate Courts in the past.

Affirmative Action was successful. Both minority students from low-income families and our nation’s companies benefitted from the program which created racially balanced institutions of higher education. Many great minds would have been lost if this program had not existed. However this biased and corrupt Court decided to halt all programs related to race-conscience admissions in colleges, declaring them unconstitutional. Apparently, only whites are protected by the Law of the Land.

Contrary to Trump and his Court, not all of our most mentally gifted minds are wealthy and pure white. MIT offered statistics after the first new class was selected since the right-wing extremist Court’s decision.

[About 5% of MIT’s incoming class of 2028 is Black, a significant drop from its 13% average in recent years. Latino students make up 11% of the class of 2028, compared to a 15% average in recent years. Overall, 1,102 students make up the incoming class.]

Stu Schmill is MIT’s dean of admissions. He is convinced that the change is the result of the Supreme Court’s decision.

“We expected that this would result in fewer students from historically underrepresented racial and ethnic groups enrolling at MIT,” Schmill said of the ruling. “That’s what has happened.”


The Court is stacked with a super majority, 6-3. The six have become autocrats redirecting the path for our nation’s future. This is not and never was its purpose. Critical decisions denying a woman’s right to decide the future of her own mental and physical health, and how high the level of pollution affecting our air, land, and water will be in the future should not be in their uneducated hands. This Court is involved in a power grab, not the intentions of our Founding Fathers in 1789. Like Trump, six justices are constantly violating their oaths of office.


As a voter, what can we do to halt the damage from this biased Court? With lifetime appointments, and impeachment the only option available to remove a justice from the bench, there is nothing you and I can do with one exception.

The House can begin impeachment hearings for all six justices, beginning with Alito and Thomas who have displayed the most egregious level of favoritism. However, the House is dominated by right-wing extremists. As a patriotic American, my only recourse is to vote against those representing my state who have an “R” next to their names. You can do the same and then we can take down the five men and one woman who are violating their Constitutional duties every day.

Yes, the process is long and difficult, but it could save our entire system of government. The “do nothing party” is unworthy of your votes. They will never work for you or me.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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