America’s Federal Courts are Broken and Trump and his Party are to Blame
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
If you are paying attention to the most serious and
destructive situation in America you are aware that the federal court system has
been corrupted from the Supreme Court to every lower court in every state.
Every Republican president since Reagan intentionally
appointed or nominated judges who lean to the far right. Because of this
irrefutable fact, justice in America is not blind, nor is it without bias.
The greatest disaster and affront to the intentions of our
Founding Fathers is the Supreme Court of the United States. When our Founding
Fathers created the Judicial Branch of our check and balance system, they
devised what they believed was a plan which would prevent the Court from
becoming politicized. This has become the greatest mistake in the entire
Constitutional Convention.
Justices were given lifetime appointments which prevented
the need to win elections which are always divided along party lines. In 2024
the Court is composed of six right wing extremists, and three who lean towards
a more progressive agenda. It is broken and recent decisions have removed rights
guaranteed by the very Constitution they are sworn to protect. Six fascist
leaning justices continue to repeal decisions from legitimate Courts in years
past and rewrite laws in support of right-wing policy. This is not the function
of the highest Court in the land.
The final three justices nominated by Trump and confirmed by
Moscow Mitch’s Senate, were not selected by the orange buffoon. He had no idea
what he was doing. Moscow Mitch, along with the Federalist Society, selected
two men and one woman whose only necessary qualification was a promise to
repeal Roe v Wade should the opportunity arise. They kept their promises.
Fact: abortion should never have become a political issue.
It should have remained a personal and difficult decision. All Americans must
protect every woman’s right to make decisions about her own mental and physical
health. Government has no right to make that decision for her.
However, the Christian Religious Right is one of the owners
of all right-wing politicians. Votes are more important than America’s women.
Some federal judges are moving into their 80’s. Trump, with
the guidance of the Federalist Society, could add more biased judges to the
This is a serious situation. Federal judges could be
responsible for moving our nation even closer to a fascist regime. The future
of all 330+ million Americans could be in the hands of a few.
Today, five men and one woman are altering our country’s
future, and not for the better. Our Supreme Court is under orders to remake
America into a nation which supports Trump/Putin’s plans. Traitors are among
A final, personal note. I have criticized presidents, and members
of the House and Senate for years. I always believed that the Supreme Court
would protect us from them.
Today’s Court has become our greatest enemy, and I’m afraid
that nothing will be done to change the situation.
With lifetime appointments, there is nothing the voting
public can do, and I guarantee that the fake Republicans in the House and
Senate will protect their fellow right-wing extremists.
We need a strong and patriotic American in the White House
now more than ever. That sure as hell is not Donald John Trump.
Op-ed by James Turnage
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