In America, Apparently Anyone Can be a Judge

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

Times changed, but I was slow to change with them. Until about 15 years ago, I trusted most of our elected officials in Washington, the majority of law enforcement, and had unfettered faith the judicial branch of our government. Then everything began to change. 

I answered an ad on the internet placed by a Las Vegas based newspaper. I applied and was accepted as a freelance writer.  

I have always loved to read, and reporters are required to read a lot. There is little truth on television, and not much more on the internet. However, when you seek the truth, it is available with a little extra effort. Eventually, everything I thought I believed i, now demanded more scrutiny. I became interested in politics at the age of ten. It was natural for me to spend most of my time searching for the truth, which is hard to find in Washington. The more I searched, the more I found disappointment. There are very few elected officials who have principles, integrity, self-respect, or a high level of morality. The few who do possess qualities of greatness are overshadowed by the enormous negativity and corruption in our nation’s capital.  

The more I read, and the more I wrote, the truth became depressing. The world of politics has always been dark and dingy, but I never realized how ugly it was until I spent many hours a day researching all available information for my articles.  


I knew that I was writing about politics but was totally unaware of how the games were played.  

Most Americans believe that the President of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. Untrue. Our Founding Fathers gave greater power to the legislative branch to prevent an authoritarian ruler in the White House.  

The person residing in the White House must possess several abilities, including making decisions as quickly as possible based on facts and the most recent information available. He or she must possess great leadership ability, especially in a crisis. He or she must also be a great politician, in possession of above average intelligence. 

Until recently, the legislative branch required men and women with the skill of being great negotiators and the ability to state his or her position on the issues clearly with conviction. Eventually, he or she must know when it is time to find compromise without surrendering the wishes of their constituents. 

The judicial branch, which is the Supreme Court, has a single purpose. The nine justices are required to address the constitutionality of laws, rules, and policies established by local, state, and federal levels of government.  

Although the Court is intended to be apolitical, in closed discussions each justice must be able to clearly introduce their opinions regarding their evaluation of the issue, and attempt to obtain support from the other eight. Today’s Court is biased and fails it basic purpose. 

What I just wrote about all three branches is the exception, not the rule in 2024. 


Doing the right thing is not a consideration in Washington today. Everything is about one party dominating the other.  

When the future of more than 330 million people is in the balance, qualifications and experience should be the first consideration when voters go to the polls. However, in 2024, party affiliation is of greater importance than choosing the best candidates. This is why our federal government has become the most dysfunctional and corrupt in the world. Only a small percentage of the men and women in Washington are qualified to hold the offices the possess. 


From a justice on the Supreme Court to a local judge in a small town in North Dakota, no one has more power or importance than the person sitting behind the bench. These men and women eventually decide the futures of men and women for years to come, and sometimes for the remainder of their lives. 

One of the greatest travesties of American life is that all federal judges are appointed by the President of the United States, not elected by the people. Therefore, these men and women, who possess great power, are frequently biased and incapable of making fair and impartial decisions. 

Because of Trump, Moscow Mitch McConnell, and the Federalist Society, the Supreme Court of the United States has been corrupted and is biased in favor of the extremist views of right-wing politicians. This is now the greatest danger to the future of America. 

What is happening in one federal court is an attack on the very core of America. No one should be above the law. 


Aileen Cannon was appointed by Trump. She has been assigned to preside over Trump’s trial involving his theft of classified documents, and lying about the situation several times. In support of Trump, she is delaying due process, hoping to help his bid for the presidency in November. Why she has not been recused, based on an obvious conflict of interests, I will never understand. I see no viable argument to allow her participation in such an important trial.  

Trump violated the Espionage Act. This is the reason Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed in 1953. If convicted, Trump would be unfit to hold any office at any level of government.  

The very existence of the United States is unclear. With a government which is corrupt beyond redemption, how can the dreams of our Founding Fathers survive? If our judges are biased and politicized, can the laws be applied fairly to everyone? Obviously, the answer is a resounding no.  

Politicians constantly talk about change. However, our country needs change beyond our imagination. The great experiment is in great danger, and no one is willing to admit the truth.  

Your vote is more important than at any time in our nation’s history.  

Op-ed by James Turnage 

My novels are available on Amazon’s Kindle 



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